Futurescape: The Game Experience

Cadeus Solutions
32 min readFeb 6, 2022


Cadeus Solutions LLC

Time Traveling in the Omniverse

In our 8-month journey in transitioning from an intelligent automation boutique consultancy into a Blockchain based development shop we are on the verge of developing the first Time Machine (in the Metaverse).


The Idea (Lite Paper Draft)

Futurescape — An NFT based Time Travel Experience/Game. The First Charitable, Metaverse, Community owned GaaS (Game As A Service)

The idea pitched in the Dev community group was to “Create NFT’s but instead of Lands they represent Time (Time NFT’s are Lands cross referenced with a specific date, past, present or future. Just an improvement on existing Land NFT Smart Contracts.). And, instead of collecting Hero’s, you collect Time Travelers (Time Traveler NFT’s).” Also, make it accessible to everyone not just the whales or kids of whales.

“Also, what if every current character NFT (bored apes, crypto kitties, Shiba dogs etc.) were able to join GameFi character NFT’s (Axie Infinity, Gods Unchained, Defi Kingdoms, etc.) to form Time Travel Party’s using Multiverse portals and compete in Time Travel Quests for rewards.

This will be the first play-to-earn, Gaming as a service (GaaS) game to integrate all other play-to-earn games. This can increase the potential for all existing character (hero) NFT’s”. (Billion $ Opportunity based on Axie Infinity and Sandbox valuation, both achieved 6B in 2021)

“A unique story will need to be created that will encourage time questing across multiple dates requiring players to collect artifacts and find clues to solve a crisis to their timeline(fix the timeline).” This will encourage and require trading of Time Traveler NFT’s in OpenSea’s NFT Marketplace.

Idea was logged to Harmony Blockchain and tagged to my address. Patent Pending in the real world.

Game Concept

Create a unique, fun and fair, time travel (Play-to-earn) game experience utilizing a DAO(Decentralized Automatous Organization), policy enforced ERC-2981 tokens (NFT’s) and a community owned marketplace, based on popular movies like Back to the Future, Bill & Teds excellent adventure, and Avengers Endgame and integrating every story created by humanity.

This Idea involves creating Digital (NFT) character based on Comic books, Sci-fi Movies and Books, and real human Heroes throughout History and Mythology. What if these Time Traveler NFT Characters were able to come together in a game to battle the forces of darkness in a Time traveling adventure through all possible universes in a multiverse? The idea of the Avengers, The Jedi, and the forces of Jesus Christ and Angelic Beings battling the Borg, Sauron, and the Sith with the twist of Time travel just seemed to be such awesome concept that I have to bring this experience to the world.

The game experience will be an AAA open world massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) based on World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy, and Zelda, where you travel to different dates, capture, and fight characters, as well as collect and harvest resources, craft items and add abilities to your characters to solve a time crisis created by our AI Story Antagonist. All in-game items and character will be NFT’s or tokenized assets. The Player vs. Player (PvP) mini games will be similar to Mortal Kombat style of game play.

Create a Time NFT collection and a community Owned NFT Marketplace

The ERC-2981 NFT contract( https://medium.com/kadena-io/mint-a-marketplace-nfts-on-kadena-marmalade-part-1-2262cbfa5296 ) will allow all players to share in royalties, not just a handful of whales. (Gen0 NFT’s and Land NFT’s are generally 99% whale owned for most of the current play-to-earn games)

The ERC-2981 contract will allow the creation of a community controlled NFT marketplace where everyone in the community will own a small piece of every Time NFT for a monthly subscription. Instead of having to invest $100,000+ on Gen0 NFT’s and Lands, you can pay a monthly subscription (community voted price) and the community owns every Time NFT regardless of wealth, experience, or status.

Create a collection of community owned Time NFT’s. A vote by the community will determine the first Time NFT (First Time Travel Quest).

Create a Subscription GaaS (Game as a Service) .

Create 3 subscription Futurescape Discord community channels. The subscription includes access to all of the Time NFT’s available, 1 random Gen0 Time Traveler NFT (Story Character) and an equal amount of LOVE COIN tokens.

1. Futurescape Alpha (500-member max) $5.55/month sub (TBD). Alpha LOVE COIN Token will be burnt and converted to Beta Staked LOVE COIN on the completion of the Alpha.

2. Futurescape Beta (5000-member max) $7.77/month sub (TBD). Beta LOVE COIN Tokens will be burnt and converted to Staked Real LOVE COIN Tokens on the completion of the Beta.

3. Futurescape - The Game (unlimited members) $11.11/month (TBD). Once we go live, 10% of all Time NFT Royalties will be paid to all subscribers (LOVE COIN airdrops) each quarter. The other 90% will be re-invested back into the game to create new content/seasons. (TBD)

Dates and subscription prices are just estimates and will change based on how fast we can develop the Final White Paper, progress on the Book series, building out our team and partner networks.

Create a Blockchain Subnetwork

A Subnetwork will enhance the utility of the LOVE COIN token as this token will be utilized for Gas emissions for this game and future games. The subnetwork will allow for integration with other Blockchains.

Create Partnerships

Create Partnerships with other NFT projects to allow cross game, time travel questing. Allow other Game NFT’s (Character, assets) from existing Games, to form Time Travel Parties (i.e. Hercules, Pikachu and Master Chief joining forces to go on a Time heist).

Partnership with celebrities already in the space. Allow them to become Time Traveler NFT Characters in the game and book series. (i.e. Characters based on Tom Brady, Snoop Dog, Elon Musk, etc.).

We are in negotiations to secure our first Celeb Time Traveler Character.

Partnerships with Influencers will be important for marketing our game and increasing our subscriber base.

We have our first YouTube influencer, The Secret Universe who supports our project. We recommend subscribing to this channel.

Other Partners: Aurora Ray, Screen Junkies, The Galactic Federation, 8K Earth, Kryon3, GFL Station, Rockstar Affermations, Spirit Science and The Why Files.

Create a Multi-purpose utility/governance Token

LOVE COIN is the money used in the future (Future Scape Book Series) and will also be the money used in the game.

Create a game token (LOVE COIN token on the Kadena Blockchain, https://kadena.io/) that will be tied into the game’s ecosystem. Players will need LOVE COIN to pay for/rent new Time Travelers, Equipment and Items. A rewards programs allowing players to earn rewards by watching Ad’s and completing surveys will be paid out using LOVE COIN tokens. LOVE COIN will eventually be a deflationary token that can be staked for rewards.

Seed Tokens (LOVE COIN token) IDO/IEO sales , will fund the project. 10% of tokens will be allocated to Angel Investors, 10% to VC’s and another 5% will be allocated to Marketers and Influencers, who will help fund and promote the project.


The following charts details the LOVE COIN Token distribution.

Create NFT Driven Game Mechanics

The TIME NFT will be your ticket/passport to experience a specified Date in the Future Scape Game. Each TIME NFT will be a unique experience based on the Date/Time span attribute of the NFT’s smart contract.

Create Time Traveler NFT’s (Unique Story Characters and Histories GOAT’s — Greatest of All Time) and Tokenized Assets (Equipment, Items required). One Random Gen0 Time Traveler (Story Character) NFT will be air-dropped to every subscriber for Season 1. This will be the player NFT to allow the player to form time travel parties and eventually guilds with other players. (Co-op play). Joining a Guild will become more important as the game progresses.

There will be a sale for a collection of Gen0 NFT’s — “Futurescape History’s GOAT’s (Greatest Of All Time) Time Traveler Collection”. Characters based on Real or Fictional People (Albert Einstein, JKF, Eddie Van Halen, Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan, Abe Lincoln, Tom Brady, Yoda, Buzz Lightyear, Superman etc.) We will mint 400 Mythic, 800 Legendary, 1200 Epic, 2000 Rare GOAT Time Traveler NFT’s. This sale will be offered to the community first. If there are any unsold GOAT Time Traveler NFT’s then they will be offered to the general public. Half of the Mythic NFT’s minted will be allocated to subscriber contests (Only 200 Mythic NFT’s minted will be available for sale). The initial sales price for the collection will be determined by a community vote. The NFT Collection will include airdrops (LOVE COIN Tokens and Items).

For current NFT collectors, create a mechanism (Multiverse portal API) where existing Spare NFT’s can be burnt and resurrected into Futurescape. (Spares are low value NFT character, i.e., 0 summons, Profession DNA does not align with their attributes, low or 0% APR NFT’s like the Silver Zapper dog). Think of Pet NFT Characters that accompany and enhance a Character’s Stamina or Battle Skills in the quests. Spare NFT’s currently will not be able to be converted back into their original game/use case at this time. We are working on a solution.

Reinvent the Antagonist (Devil) of our story. Create a Comedic Trickster (With a sense of humor who thinks it is April Fool's Day, every day) Antagonist A.I. Bot utilizing AI Fabric and Reinforcement Learning ML Algorithms. Our A.I. bot will be pitted against all players and guilds (groups of players forming an alliance). The A.I. will represent the Antagonist in the story and cause changes that will affect every Time NFT (Maps and Items). These changes will affect the Inventory Items and Player maps depending on changes to the timeline.

Create a “Time Mutable Item” API. This is to allow the Token contracts (Inventory Items), TIME NFT Contracts(Date) and Antagonist Epoch Counter (Changes to the Timeline) to be cross-referenced to determine what your item represents. For example your “Generic Communications device” Token will represent an iPhone in 2008, a Pager in 1988, Scroll and Ink in 1348, a Pet Robot 3D Projector Dog in 3008, or something useless/very special based on changes to the timeline. This will also allow Product Placement advertising with real world products (i.e. Generic Pizza Token can be Godfathers Pizza or Dominoes based on targeted advertising). Your inventory bag of items will always be mutating during your quests.

Create and mint a Multipurpose (Governance/Utility) Token. To keep the game fair, a LOVE COIN airdrop (equal amount for every subscriber), will occur at the start of each season. LOVE COIN purchased from DEX’s (Decentralized Exchanges) can only be staked. Staked LOVE COIN will be released at different time intervals (90 days, 6 months, 12 months) before subscribers can use in game. Staked LOVE COIN APR% will be greater the longer you stake. This will solve the whales always winning (spend to win) issue in every other play-to-earn game.

Create a “Time Booth” (in game Decentralized Exchange) or marketplace. This is where players will trade, buy, sell, or convert items into what they need to solve the Time crisis.

Create a Game Script Objectives API to create incentives to Play. Create unique rewards in the form of additional NFT’s and Artifacts for completing in game objectives such as Leveling up heroes, completing side quests, etc. (i.e., Rare Special Edition “Abe Lincoln”, “Tom Brady”, Time Traveler NFT’s, Moon Rock Artifact Tokens. Etc.) These in game artifacts (Tokens) can be traded or sold in the game marketplace (Time Booth)

Game objectives:

  1. Expose lies from entities such as the IRS, the Fed, Media, Big Pharma, and World Governments. As a team, work to make all scams and businesses based on these lies illegal.
  2. Acquire the knowledge to shield yourself from manipulation. Reject any narrative from other avatars unless it adds positive value to your reality. Recognize the influential role belief plays in shaping reality and apply this principle to discerning information. If something doesn’t resonate with your heart, dismiss it as baseless. Acknowledge that everyone holds their own beliefs, demonstrating respect as you recognize each individual as equals, a divine aspect of the creator.
  3. Connect with nature by interacting with all animals and plants.
  4. Disconnect five people from the Matrix.
  5. Respect all other avatars and always love trust, value and honor you, your I Am.
  6. Level up all 12-character Chakras to level 10.
  7. Clean our oceans and atmosphere and restore our bodies from the damage incurred due to repeated exposure to toxins in food, water, and air, cunningly portrayed as a natural aging process by those manipulating the situation.
  8. Befriend a whale or dolphin.
  9. Learn forgiveness for yourself and everyone who wronged you in the game.
  10. Master the art of pausing time and timeline jumping. Learn to perceive reflections of past timelines and discover techniques to avoid being drawn back to the old ones, enabling you to stay on your highest ascending timeline.
  11. Dismantle the media empire, particularly targeting Level 11 Fake News AI bots. Respond by inundating the narrative with overwhelming positivity to render their influence as nothing more than an irritating background hum.
  12. Dismantle the Soul Network, the machines, on the moon, recycling souls to the Matrix.
  13. Master telepathy to prevent distortion of spoken words into discord.
  14. End all Galactic Wars, real or imagined, across all realities and timelines. Disable, destroy, or transmute anything harming Earth or its inhabitants, including the Borg’s Dyson Sphere, space stations, bases, weapons of mass destruction, CERN, HAARP, Project Blue Beam, Dream manipulation tech, and other fake illusion technology used by the Greys, mind control devices, black magik, drugs, vaccines and implants.
  15. Learn about the different types of Crystal’s, their benefits, and how to utilize them on your journey.
  16. Correct and reverse negative influences on minds, bodies, DNA, the planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, multiverse, and all realms across timelines.
  17. Change Universal Patent Laws to nullify patents involving conscious beings in human avatars, human organs, body parts, or reproductive cells without consent.
  18. Make Hording Energy, Resources or Ideas (patents) to create an illusion of scarcity, illegal on a galactic and universal level.
  19. Alter Universal Karma laws to free souls from family lineage bondage based on DNA research.
  20. Teach how to use free will to override undesirable codes in our DNA.
  21. Guide humans to access the Akashic records stored within the planet and recall past lives on Earth. Enable the removal and burning of pages in the avatar’s story once all lessons have been learned.
  22. Learn to think and conceptualize your thoughts on a Galactic level of consciousness. Collaborate with Galactic beings to restore divine abilities from the golden ages of Atlantis and Lemuria, co-creating a new golden age for Earth and the Golden Galaxy.
  23. In a no-win scenario, realize cheating as a strategy (Kobayashi maru) if it causes no harm to any avatars and benefits everyone positively.
  24. Develop machines or friendly AI, like BB8 droids, capable of learning unconditional love.
  25. Destroy the bad, fear-based Matrix. Bonus Quest: Close the Mars Portals after all of the negative, soul-less beings (Archons, ET’s, clones, robots, NPCs, etc.) have been evicted from the Omniverse (The real matrix).
  26. Provide help in any way you can for anyone who needs it.
  27. Assist avatars in defining what abundance means for them, guide them on the path to achieving it, and support the implementation of N.E.S.A.R.A and G.E.S.A.R.A for everyone.
  28. Learn to love unconditionally and upgrade the Heart Chakra.
  29. Find your Twin Flame (soul mate) to enhance the energy sent to the Crystalline Grid of Gaia and back to the Universe.
  30. Help bring back advanced technologies from Atlantis, stored within the Crystalline grid, to benefit the human race.
  31. Assist Earth in reaching a utopian post scarcity Kardashev Level 1 society (i.e Star Trek Next Generation)
  32. Assist the Galaxy in reaching a utopian post scarcity Kardashev Level 2 society (i.e. Star Wars post Palpatine).
  33. Support humanity in preparing for and embracing automation, with the aim of prioritizing the restoration of Earth through a willing workforce.
  34. Avoid becoming or taking in sustenance/energy from other avatars or beings without your/their explicit consent.
  35. Learn to “Let It Go.” When confronted with an unexpected experience, recognize that there is still a lesson to be learned. Address it if possible or release it back to the Universe.
  36. Learn to discover the pyramid of solitude within your heart to recharge your Merkabah.
  37. Disable the Dark Portals to Mars so the Dark Forces cannot escape or steal resources.
  38. Follow your dreams. Quit any Toxic Jobs, Relationships, or anything else that stands in your way to reach your highest timeline.
  39. Become one with the Force, mastering the energy connecting everything, both light and dark, to discover your unique inner color of light and restore the planet while continuously upgrading and improving the Matrix.
  40. Learn to manifest with your thoughts and intentions while understanding divine timing (time and death are illusions).
  41. Unlearn and relearn everything you think you know. Remember who you are, a divine fractal of the Universe and a part of the cure for a cancer to existence called “Fear”.
  42. Maintain unwavering faith, confidence, and trust in God (Prime Creator Source) as you navigate through boundless realities, accompanied by countless beings such as your Masters, Spirit Guides, Spirit Animals, Angels, and Warriors, spanning across all dimensions and lifetimes — all ensuring your support and protection.


Truth Seeker Mission:

  • Expose lies from entities such as the IRS, the Fed, Media, Big Pharma, and World Governments.
  • Work as a team to make all scams and businesses based on these lies illegal.

Mind Mastery Quest:

  • Learn the secrets to avoid being brainwashed.
  • Refuse to accept any narrative from other avatars unless it positively contributes to your reality.
  • Understand that belief has the power to manifest reality.

Nature Connection Challenge:

  • Connect with nature by interacting with all animals and plants.
  • Befriend a whale or dolphin.

Spiritual Evolution Tasks:

  • Level up all 12-character Chakras to level 10.
  • Learn forgiveness for yourself and everyone who wronged you in the game.
  • Master the art of pausing time and timeline jumping.

Earth Restoration Campaign:

  • Clean oceans and atmosphere and restore bodies from damage incurred due to repeated exposure to toxins.
  • Disable, destroy, or transmute anything harming Earth or its inhabitants across all multiverses, realities and lifetimes.

Crystal Knowledge Expedition:

  • Learn about different types of crystals, their benefits, and how to utilize them on your journey.
  • Correct and reverse negative influences on minds, bodies, DNA, the planet, and beyond.

Universal Laws Reform:

  • Change Universal Patent Laws and alter Universal Karma laws.
  • Teach how to use free will to override undesirable codes in our DNA.

Time Travel and Akashic Records Adventure:

  • Guide humans to access the Akashic records and recall past lives on Earth.
  • Learn to think and conceptualize thoughts on a Galactic level of consciousness.

Positive Contribution Quest:

  • Develop machines or friendly AI capable of learning unconditional love.
  • Provide help in any way you can for anyone who needs it.

Abundance and Love Expedition:

  • Assist avatars in defining abundance, guide them on the path to achieving it.
  • Learn to love unconditionally and upgrade the Heart Chakra.
  • Find your Twin Flame to enhance the energy sent to the Crystalline Grid of Gaia.

Advanced Technology Retrieval Mission:

  • Help bring back advanced technologies from Atlantis, stored within the Crystalline grid.
  • Assist Earth in reaching a utopian post-scarcity Kardashev Level 1 society.

Galactic Utopia Campaign:

  • Assist the Galaxy in reaching a utopian post-scarcity Kardashev Level 2 society.
  • Support humanity in preparing for and embracing automation, prioritizing the restoration of Earth.

Energy Mastery Challenge:

  • Avoid becoming or taking in sustenance/energy from other avatars without explicit consent.
  • Learn to “Let It Go” and discover the pyramid of solitude within your heart to recharge your Merkabah.
  • Become one with the Force, mastering the energy connecting everything.

Manifestation and Faith Test:

  • Learn to manifest with thoughts and intentions.
  • Unlearn and relearn everything you think you know.
  • Have faith, confidence, and trust in God (Prime Creator Source).

You will also earn rewards for everything you do in the game. In the New Matrix 2.0, where your adventure begins, everyone is equal. Everyone owns and shares everything. The economic system is based on service reviews (LOVE COIN Tokens) and compassion in your daily adventures. Your landlord pays you (your avatar) to live in the home you choose, and they get paid back based on your review of their service. This economy means for every business, everything is free, as our joy is the goal, and the business pays their customers for reviews. The Quantum Financial System means all debit cards always work for basic needs. You also get paid for everything else you do including eating, sleeping, listening to music, attending sporting events or concerts, playing phone games, watching tv, videos or movies, walking your dog, jogging, gambling, or anything that brings joy and happiness to the player (avatar).

All Jobs are voluntary, and the most coveted job is to be a battery for the New Matrix, essentially allowing the universe to send energy through your body to repair Earth from the damage inflicted from the last Matrix. Will there be Ads? Yes, but only to support the real game in the real matrix we live in. Yes, you will be rewarded for watching videos, ads and completing surveys.

Create a Metaverse Time Travel Rules engine. These will custom rules such as a rule that a random artifact gets left behind for another Time Travel party to find. Finding these out of time artifacts will offer the greatest rewards and be important for crafting the solution. (Be careful what you trade or sell)

Create a “Paradox rule” or Paradox PvP (Player vs. Player) engine that only one time travel party should occupy any given moment in space/time (Map coordinates on the TIME NFT) in the game. If a paradox occurs where a character meets another version of themself, one will be transferred to a random location in the timeline. (Random and Based on NFT DNA, the stronger character has a greater chance of staying in the current timeline).

Create a unique Forth Dimension TIME NFT to represent some time in the future where everyone knows Time Travel Exists. This TIME NFT’s will be built into the Game and will appear automatically in the game timeline map once a Time Travel Party is assembled and a Time travel machine/device is crafted.

Create a Fallen Variant Time Traveler History Tracker and Tribute Summary Generator API. Fallen Variants will have their story (Blockchain Transactions and Video of the Paradox) recorded. “Tributes” (LOVE COIN Tips) can be offered to them in the Time Travel Museum. (If you love your Character, make sure they do not meet another version of themself in the game. If you hate your character, you can cause havoc to other time travel parties as you sacrifice your Spares to the Time Travel Museum.)

Create a mechanism (NFT Tipping API) where tributes (LOVE COIN Tips) can be offered to the “Timekeepers” (Time Cops and Rulers of all Time NFT’s) for a Fallen Variant NFT. The tribute will reward the Time Travel Party with “Blessings” (Items and a small chance to resurrect the Fallen Variant.). This will create a real-world market for the “Fallen Variant NFT’s” (In-game “Time Booth” marketplace and Open Sea market.)

Create a Resurrections API. Allow a small chance that a tribute offered to the Timekeepers will resurrect the “Fallen Variant”. This will allow the Fallen Variant to be resurrected (re-animated) which will create a buffed Gen1 Version of the Fallen Variant. The amount of the LOVE COIN tribute, and attributes of the Time Travel Party Characters will determine the DNA of the newly resurrected Time Traveler (Newly minted Time Traveler NFT). Gen0 Time Parties will create Gen1 Time Travelers (Gen1 will create Gen2, you get the idea). If your Time Travel Party contains a combination of Generations, then the newly minted Time Traveler Generation will be the highest Gen Character + 1. (i.e. Time Travel Party consists of 2 Gen0's and 2 Gen1's = Gen2 for the newly resurrected Time Traveler)

Create a “Guild Party Resurrection Algorithm API” for co-op time travel parties (forming teams like the Avengers). If you are playing with other players and the time travel party resurrects a Fallen Variant, the owner of the newly minted NFT needs to be determined. The owner this NFT will belong to the Player whose Time Traveler contributed most (Tributes) and Player’s Time Traveler DNA (Best weighted attributes).

A Fallen Variant Tribute Pool will be created, and the LOVE COIN tributes will be re-distributed back to all subscribers with 25% going to the team (We love tips), 25% going to the owner of the Fallen Variant NFT and 50% back to all subscribers. The LOVE COIN tributes will be in the form of air-drops. (This will promote tipping)

Create an NFT Lending API. Time Traveler NFT’s owners will have the ability to rent their NFT’s (Characters) to other players for LOVE COIN in the game marketplace (Time booth). Be careful which characters you lend as the weak ones can die.

Create a Time Traveler Buff (Level Up) Engine. Time Traveler NFT’s will have the ability to upgrade their stats by completing objectives, earning experience in quests and collecting artifacts. Leveling up hero’s will upgrade their DNA and introduce increased abilities (Telepathy, Super Strength, Healing Powers, etc.)

Allow the Time Travel Rules engine to progress with time. Create all other time travel cross-game rules in the Smart Contract. We (Future Scape Team and Subscribers) will define all of the time travel rules in the metaverse. (We will be the Time Cops and Timekeepers of the Metaverse)

Continue to add and improve content for each Time NFT which will encourage trading on Time Traveler NFT’s on Open Sea’s NFT Marketplace.

Potential First NFT Collection. Community will Vote on First experience when discord/ twitter is created.

  1. July 16, 1969 - Man lands on the Moon
  2. July 7, 1947 - UFO crashes in Roswell, NM
  3. June 6, 1972 - Atari creates Pong and jump starts the video game industry.
  4. April 19, 1906 - The Great San Francisco Earthquake
  5. June 29, 2007 - iPhone introduction causes massive disruption and change to Computer Software and Electronics.
  6. July 4, 1997 - Mars Pathfinder lands on Mars.
  7. August 16, 1969 - Woodstock rock festival begins.
  8. October 27, 2035 - First Mars Colony established.
  9. Allow Future Dates to support completely original concepts.

Create a Time Travel Device crafting API. Items will need to be found across all the different TIME NFT quests to craft the solution to the time crisis.

The first-time travel party to craft the final item (solution to the time riddle) from their collection of artifacts and save the timeline, will receive a one of a kind NFT for Season 1 and a real-world replica of the crafted item.

If there is no Season 1 winner, the NFT will go to a random player (lottery). The real prize will move over to Season 2.

Create a Development Kit (Build your own Time Experience)

Eventually, we will offer a “Futurescape Development Kit” (similar to Sandbox) which will allow users to create Time NFT’s (experiences for any date they want, day they were born, when they were married, first time snowboarding, first time flying (I have a recreational pilot license), first time skydiving, best vacation ever, etc.).

These Time NFT’s will only appear on the timeline for the user who created it unless they share it with others.

  1. Minecraft API
  2. Roblox API

Game Items

These are the in-game items (tokens and or NFT’s)

Internal Chakra Crystals

1. Finesse Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Dexterity)

2. Fortune Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Luck)

3. Insight Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Wisdom)

4. Might Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Strength)

5. Swiftness Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Agility)

6. Vigor Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Vitality)

7. Wit Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Intelligence)

External Chakra Crystals

8. Earth Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Connection to Earth)

9. Time Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Connection to Time and Connection to Spirit)

10. Soul Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Connection to their Soul)

11. Mind Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Connection to Mind over Matter)

12. Universe Chakra Crystal (Upgrades a Hero’s Connection to the Universe)

Bonus Chakra Crystals

13. Chaos (Humanity) Chakra Crystal — This is a bonus crystal that you can use that will randomly upgrade 1 to many of the other 12 Chakras based on the achievement difficulty.

Upgrading Heroes

Upgrading a hero involves leveling up the Heroes stats to specific levels described below:

Level 10 grants access to the 4th — 6th Dimensions (The could be characters like Picard-4th to Yoda-6th)

Level 100 grants access to the 7th — 12th Dimension (Think Demi-God level characters like Thor-7th to Oden-12th)

Level 1000 grants access to 13th Dimension and above (Think Beyonder from Marvel)

Lore Pages (Digital Comic Book NFT’s)

Lore Page 1 — The First Humans of the Universe

Lore Page 2 — Earth V 1.0 The Demi-Gods

Lore Page 3 — Earth V 2.0 The Wizards (Middle-Earth)

Lore Page 4 — Earth V 3.0 The Age of Man

Lore Page 5 — The Prime Directive

Lore Page 6 — The Matrix V 1.0

Lore Page 7 — Earth V 4.0 The Age of Woman

Lore Page 8 — The Matrix V 2.0

Lore Page 9 — The Final Battle — Creating the Matrix V. 3.0

Lore Page 10 — The Galactic Secret Wars (Redemption)

Futurescape Game Lore

Futurescape: The Game Lore Podcast

Books Novels, and Audiobooks

Time Traveling in the Omniverse: The Game Lore

Scattered Gods: Rebirth of Gaia

Scattered Gods: Awakening of the Crystal Keepers

Scattered Gods: Descent into Hades

Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age | Season 1: Awakening

Scattered Gods: Guardians of the Golden Age | Season 2: Earth Reborn

Dimensions Collide: The Awakening

Dimensions Collide: The Quest For Unity

The Vegas Bridge: Genesis

The Vegas Bridge: The Deep

Duality’s Embrace: The Avalon Games

Singular Horizons

Chronicles of Teloz

Chronicles of the Quantum Veil

Echoes of Eden

Uncharted Realms: Prelude to Infinity

Uncharted Realms: Mission Vegas

The Time Traveler and the Vampires of Light


Futurescape Universe (Technology and Spirituality focused)

Cadeus Solutions (Cosmic Comedy created with AI and RPA tools)

Digital Art and Videos



The Team

  1. “Doxed Automation, AI, and Blockchain Dev and Thought Leader” — Time Development Officer (TDO)
  2. “Anonymous Game Fi Developer” — Time Game Guru
  3. “Anonymous Sci-Fi Author” — Time Storyteller
  4. “Anonymous Musician” (Think Metallica game tracks) — Time Music Producer
  5. “Anonymous Former VP in the Gaming and Mortgage Industries. Led Team that created the first flight simulator game” — Time Advisor
  6. “Anonymous Entrepreneur in the Marketing and Oil & Gas Industries” — Time Advisor.
  7. Anonymous Former CEO and A.I. Practice Lead at Microsoft” — Time Advisor

Futurescape Products/Services

1st Quarter 2023

Futurescape Personal Companion NFTs (Robots or Droids)

Futurescape Digital Comic Book NFT’s

Futurescape CBD’s and Delta’s (Delta 8 and 10) Gummies

2nd Quarter 2023

Futurescape Ionizing Foot Soakers

Futurescape Medical & Health Products

3rd Quarter 2023

Futurescape Musical Instruments (Guitars, and Keyboards to start with)

Futurescape Mac & Cheese franchises

Law of Attraction Coaching

4th Quarter 2023

Futurescape — Robot Football League — NFT Game

No Timeline yet

Futurescape Night Clubs and Concert Venues

Futurescape Health Clubs, Massage Parlors, Yoga and Meditation classes.

Futurescape Casino, Theme Park, Ski, Beach, and Animal Experience Combined Resorts

Futurescape Podcast and/or Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney + or Max series

Invest or develop tech to help clean our Oceans and Atmosphere.

Futurescape — Robot Football League

Futurescape - Metaverse Time Travel Experience

Need the tech to catch up.

Futurescape Personal Companions or Helpers (Robots or Droids)

Research Anti-gravity technology.

Energy NFT’s — Subscriptions to power your home, car or anything that requires electricity.

Warp Drive Technology

Universal Translator Technology (AI Language Models)

Futurescape — Write your own story (reality) Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Experience. An app where you write down what you want to do today and with the help of A.I. you can experience it.

Make everything included in the same subscription service model as the game.


Over time as more Time NFTs and content are created, Futurescape will become the official Time Machine of the Metaverse. We (the Futurescape team and member community) will become the Time cops and Timekeepers of the Metaverse.

If you support our vision, please give it a clap. Contact us below if you would like to contribute to this idea. Looking for Partners, Influencers, Advisors, Devs, Storytellers, Musicians, Artists, and anyone that can help this concept become a reality. Thanks for reading to the end.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. The content in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice.

Updates and News:

4/20/2022 — Provisional Patent Application #63332852 filed on 04–20–2022.

9/6/2022 — Afther the Harmany and Luna collapses, we have decided to pause for now until we can determine what blockchains survive the current events happening everywhere. To be continued….

9/21/2022- The Game is R Rated. Everyone gets a hot robot personal companion NFT or an RFL Player (and ownership rights to that model robot when the tech becomes available. Pet Droids for Children!). There will be a PG version also if you’re under 18!!

10/27/2022 — Our game is in the news! https://www.ibtimes.com/futurescape-launches-season-one-gamified-film-inspired-nft-collection-3629269

11/04/2022- Our Facebook group has been hacked again. We are in the process of getting it deleted. Please don’t fall for any scams.

2/12/2023 — Robot Football League (RFL) Coming 2025. Imagine a real-world Football experience where Humans who own the NFT of the Robot player get to experience the game in a truly unique VR augmented reality experience.

2/20/2023 — Our Provisional Patent will expire on 04/20/2023 and will become open source. We do not want to sell this, but we would like to instead give it to everyone. “What can we say, You’re Welcome! Restore the heart. You got this.” — Ta Feti & Maui

2/22/2023 — This is the winning solution to the Season 1 puzzle “How do you turn the story of God’s first creation was a robot companion into a Disney+, Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime, and Paramount+ Series and Game at the same time.

God is a woman and a man in love, best friends, and business partners. Women rule the world, and men rule football (sports)!” — The Awakened Human Collective (with the Help of Higher Level beings and God.)

4/20/2023 - Play our partners games now available on Xbox, PS5, Nintendo, Mobile and Computer.

2/22/2024Season 2

Title: “Futurescape: Harmony Beyond Hell: A Neo-Genesis”

Chapter 1: The Co-CEOs of Hell

After triumphing over the Devil in every conceivable realm, Neo and Trinity find themselves as the unsuspecting Co-CEOs of Hell. Their journey takes an unexpected turn as they grapple with the challenges of managing the afterlife. Can they create a Hell that’s not just about punishment but also about redemption?

Chapter 2: The Quantum Dollhouse

Struggling with their new roles, Neo and Trinity are thrust into a peculiar scenario. Neo, the Quantum Slap master, must serve a punishment as a doll in the hands of Trinity, Wonder Woman. But this isn’t any ordinary doll — Neo, in the form of Baby Yoda, is an upgradeable robot with the power to adapt to Wonder Woman’s needs. As Neo navigates this unexpected journey, he must confront his past and rediscover his purpose.

Chapter 3: Transforming Hell’s Volunteers

Hell is no longer a place of eternal damnation but a realm where volunteers, who still indulge in sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll, find solace. Neo and Trinity face the challenge of saving these souls by offering them redemption and a chance at a new life beyond hedonism.

Chapter 4: Multi-Platform Sensation

To transform the tale into a multi-platform sensation, Neo and Trinity embark on a journey across Books, Disney+, Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime, and Paramount+. Each platform unveils a unique facet of their story, appealing to a diverse audience and engaging fans in the expansive universe they now control.

Chapter 5: Heaven on Earth Vision

In a visionary endeavor, Neo invites everyone to manifest their version of Heaven on Earth. Through time travel invitations and dreams, individuals contribute to a collective consciousness that shapes a utopian world. As dreams materialize, billions of souls converge to experience and share the best of each other’s visions.

Chapter 6: Final Credit Scene

As Neo confronts his own duality, he descends to reconcile with his Superhero and Anti-Hero selves. Offering an olive branch, he proposes a deal to his Ego, seeking peace and redemption. Neo’s journey comes full circle as he strives to mend the broken aspects of his own existence, with Grogu symbolizing the end of an era and the dawn of a new one.

Chapter 7: Bonus After Credit Scene

In a light-hearted moment, characters like Sauron and Hillary share amusing interactions. As the narrative wraps up, the unexpected laughter and camaraderie provide a glimpse into the lighter side of the afterlife, leaving the audience with a smile and a sense of completeness.

“Harmony Beyond Hell: A Neo-Genesis” weaves a tapestry of redemption, transformation, and the unexpected twists that come with managing the realms beyond life. The story explores the eternal dance between good and evil, forging an epic narrative that transcends platforms and captivates audiences across the multiverse.


Cadeus Solutions Unveils Revolutionary Robots as a Service, Starting at Just $20 per Day

Frisco, TX— Cadeus Solutions, a leading innovator in robotics and artificial intelligence, is excited to announce the launch of Robots as a Service (RaaS) with an unprecedented pricing model starting at just $20 per day. This groundbreaking offering includes a diverse range of robotic solutions, such as Food Runners, Bussers for Restaurants, Teaching Robots, Seeing Eye Robots, Robot Butlers, and more.

In an era where automation is transforming industries, Cadeus Solutions is committed to making cutting-edge robotics accessible to businesses of all sizes. With the new Robots as a Service platform, clients can now leverage state-of-the-art robotic technology without the burden of high upfront costs.

Key Features of Cadeus Solutions’ Robots as a Service:

  1. Affordable Pricing: Cadeus Solutions is disrupting the robotics market by offering daily rates as low as $20. This transparent pricing structure allows businesses to integrate robotics seamlessly into their operations without breaking the bank.
  2. Diverse Robot Offerings: Whether it’s optimizing restaurant workflows with Food Runners and Bussers, enhancing educational experiences with Teaching Robots, providing assistance to visually impaired individuals through Seeing Eye Robots, or introducing a touch of luxury with Robot Butlers, Cadeus Solutions has a robot for every need.
  3. Customizable Solutions: Cadeus Solutions understands that every business is unique. Therefore, the RaaS platform offers customizable solutions to meet specific requirements, ensuring that clients get the most value out of their robotic investment.
  4. Seamless Integration: The implementation of robotic solutions has never been easier. Cadeus Solutions’ team of experts ensures a smooth integration process, providing comprehensive support and training to ensure businesses can maximize the benefits of their robotic workforce.

To explore the possibilities of Robots as a Service or to request a demonstration, interested parties are encouraged to contact Cadeus Solutions’ sales team at sales@cadeussolutions.com.

Cadeus Solutions is thrilled to be at the forefront of the robotics revolution, empowering businesses to embrace automation and drive efficiency in their daily operations.

About Cadeus Solutions:

Cadeus Solutions is a leading provider of innovative robotics and artificial intelligence solutions. With a commitment to making advanced technology accessible, Cadeus Solutions empowers businesses to thrive in an increasingly automated world.

05/25/2024- Futurescape: Time Traveling in the Omniverse — Game Lore Podcast Completed

Frisco, TX 05/25/2024 — In an exciting development for sci-fi and gaming enthusiasts alike, the team behind the highly anticipated indie game, Futurescape, has announced the completion of their Game Lore Podcast series.

Futurescape, a comedic journey through time and space, has been captivating audiences with its unique blend of humor, nostalgia, and cutting-edge gaming technology. Now, fans can delve deeper into the lore and backstory of this ambitious project through the newly released Game Lore Podcast.

Hosted by the creative minds behind Futurescape, the podcast offers listeners a behind-the-scenes look at the game’s development process, from concept to completion. Each episode explores different aspects of the game’s universe, including its characters, settings, and overarching storyline.

“We’re thrilled to share this podcast series with our fans,” said Dan Bune, Creator of the Futurescape Universe. “Futurescape has been a labor of love for us, and we’re excited to give listeners a glimpse into the creative process behind the game.”

The Game Lore Podcast covers a wide range of topics, including the inspiration behind Futurescape, the challenges of developing a time-traveling narrative, and the future of gaming in the metaverse. Listeners can expect insightful interviews with the game’s creators, as well as guest appearances from industry experts and special guests.

To listen to the Game Lore Podcast and learn more about Futurescape, visit the official Futurescape YouTube playlist: Futurescape YouTube Playlist

Futurescape is set to launch soon, and anticipation is building among gamers and sci-fi enthusiasts worldwide. With its engaging storyline, vibrant visuals, and innovative gameplay mechanics, Futurescape promises to be a truly unforgettable gaming experience.

For more information about Futurescape and to stay updated on the latest news and announcements, visit the official website at https://tubespace.io/futurescapeuniverse/

About Futurescape: Futurescape is an indie game that takes players on a hilarious journey through time and space. Combining elements of comedy, adventure, and sci-fi, Futurescape offers a unique gaming experience that’s sure to delight players of all ages. With its engaging storyline, vibrant visuals, and innovative gameplay mechanics, Futurescape promises to be a must-play title for gamers everywhere.

06/01/2024 — Game Concept Revisited: A Deep Dive into the Making of a Gaming Classic

Frisco, TX 06/01/2024— Gaming enthusiasts and nostalgia seekers alike are in for a treat as the creators of the beloved gaming classic, Game Concept, take a trip down memory lane in a special retrospective video now available on YouTube.

Titled “Game Concept Revisited,” the video offers fans an intimate look behind the scenes of the iconic game, exploring its origins, development process, and lasting impact on the gaming industry. From early concept art to gameplay mechanics, viewers will gain a newfound appreciation for the creativity and innovation that went into bringing this timeless masterpiece to life.

“We’re excited to revisit the world of Game Concept and share our journey with fans old and new,” said Dan Bune, Creator of the Game Concept. “It’s been an incredible ride, and we can’t wait to take a trip down memory lane with our loyal supporters.”

The “Game Concept Revisited” video features interviews with key members of the development team, including [Your Name] and [Another Team Member], who provide insights into the game’s inception and evolution over the years. Viewers will also hear from fans who share their fondest memories of playing the game and the impact it had on their lives.

To watch “Game Concept Revisited” and relive the magic of this gaming classic, visit the official Game Concept YouTube channel: Game Concept Revisited

With its captivating storyline, innovative gameplay mechanics, and memorable characters, Game Concept continues to be cherished by gamers of all ages. Whether you’re a longtime fan or discovering the game for the first time, “Game Concept Revisited” offers a nostalgic journey through the annals of gaming history.

For more information about Game Concept and to stay updated on the latest news and announcements, visit the official website at [Game Concept Official Website](insert link here).

About Game Concept: Game Concept is a groundbreaking video game that captivated audiences with its immersive storyline, innovative gameplay mechanics, and stunning visuals. Since its release, the game has garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base, cementing its status as a gaming classic.

7/13/2024 — Press Release

Wanderlust Unleashed: Your Home is Anywhere

Frisco, 7/13/2024 — Tired of the same four walls? Craving adventure without the commitment? Introducing Wanderlust Unleashed — the revolutionary subscription service that transforms your life into a never-ending vacation.

What is Wanderlust Unleashed?

Imagine trading your traditional lease for a passport to endless possibilities. Wanderlust Unleashed offers a flexible, affordable way to experience life on the move. Our platform connects you with a diverse range of accommodations, from cozy cabins to luxury apartments, allowing you to explore new destinations and immerse yourself in different cultures.

How it Works

  1. Subscribe: Choose a flexible subscription plan that fits your lifestyle and budget.
  2. Discover: Browse through a curated selection of properties, from bustling city centers to serene coastal retreats.
  3. Book and Go: Select your desired location and move-in date. It’s that simple!

Why Choose Wanderlust Unleashed?

  • Freedom: Escape the constraints of traditional living. Stay as long or as short as you like.
  • Variety: Experience diverse lifestyles and cultures without the hassle of property ownership.
  • Community: Connect with fellow wanderlust enthusiasts and build lasting friendships.
  • Affordability: Enjoy flexible pricing without the hidden fees of traditional rentals.

A Day in the Life of a Wanderluster

Picture this: a morning yoga session on a Bali beach, followed by an afternoon exploring the vibrant markets of Marrakech. As the sun sets, you unwind in a cozy mountain cabin with a good book. This is the Wanderlust Unleashed lifestyle.

For more information, visit our website at https://sales357958.wixsite.com/futurescape-universe/post/wanderlust-unleashed-the-ultimate-home-hopping-adventure or contact us at cadeussolutions969@gmail.com.

About Wanderlust Unleashed

Wanderlust Unleashed is a groundbreaking subscription service designed for those who seek adventure and flexibility. By offering a wide range of accommodations and an easy-to-use platform, Wanderlust Unleashed makes it possible for you to live a life full of exploration and cultural immersion.

Join the revolution and unleash your wanderlust today!


Introducing “Time Traveling in the Omniverse: Season 5 — Rebuilding Eden” — A Groundbreaking NFT-Based Game to Shape the Future of Space Habitation

Frisco, August 14, 2024 — Cadeus Solutions LLC is thrilled to announce the upcoming release of “Time Traveling in the Omniverse: Season 5 — Rebuilding Eden,” a revolutionary new game that invites players to participate in the design and development of a real-world O’Neill Cylinder — an ambitious space habitat envisioned to be built by 2048.

Inspired by popular games like Minecraft, Roblox, and Illuvium, “Rebuilding Eden” offers players the opportunity to own and build on one of 369 billion Land NFTs, representing unique plots within a virtual O’Neill Cylinder. Players can create anything they imagine, from casinos and theme parks to futuristic cities and sprawling mansions. The game’s innovative use of Kadana’s Blockchain and Luna Tokens ensures secure ownership and the ability to monetize in-game assets.

What sets “Rebuilding Eden” apart is its mission to turn virtual creations into reality. The community will vote on which designs should be prioritized for real-world construction, making players a crucial part of this historic project. This community-driven approach will pave the way for the first O’Neill Cylinder to be constructed, marking a significant step forward in human space exploration.

“Rebuilding Eden” will launch in 2025, with early adopters gaining exclusive access to Land NFTs and in-game bonuses. The journey from virtual world to real-world space habitat begins now — join us as we build the future of humanity, one block at a time.


For more information, please visit www.cadeusolutions.com or contact Dan Bune at cadeussolutions969@gmail.com.

About Cadeus Solutions LLC:
Cadeus Solutions LLC is a pioneering developer of immersive, blockchain-integrated gaming experiences that push the boundaries of what’s possible in the virtual and real worlds. With a focus on innovation, creativity, and community-driven development, we aim to shape the future of gaming and beyond.

Dan Bune
Cadeus Solutions LLC

Futurescape — A 7 Sun City Stoners Production

Contact: cadeussolutions969@gmail.com

Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/FutureScapeGame

Official Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/FuturescapeBlog

Official Patrion: https://www.patreon.com/Futurescape199

Master Your Own Spirituality

Mystery School Code

