UI Best Practices for Password Manager Compatibility and Embracing Passwordless Security

2 min readApr 4, 2023


As user security continues to be a top priority in the digital age, it is essential for applications and companies to not only allow password managers but also adopt UI best practices that facilitate their use. Furthermore, we must look toward the future of passwordless security, which aims to eliminate the need for passwords altogether. In this blog post, we’ll explore best UI practices for web and mobile applications, as well as introduce the concept of passwordless security and its potential impact on the digital landscape.

  1. UI Best Practices for Password Manager Compatibility To ensure compatibility with password managers, developers should follow these best practices for web, Android, and iOS applications:

A. Web:

  • Use standard HTML input elements
  • Add autocomplete attributes
  • Support pasting passwords
  • Use accessible login forms

B. Android:

  • Use Android’s Autofill Framework
  • Set autofill hints

C. iOS:

  • Adopt AutoFill in UITextField
  • Implement Associated Domains
  • Use Accessibility Labels

Please but please, add Password Manager integration tests to your QA tests. It is really important for user experience and we do not like passwords. Yes, even we security people do not like passwords.

What is next?

  1. The Future of Security: Passwordless Authentication Passwordless security is an emerging authentication method that eliminates the need for passwords, reducing the risk of password-related breaches. Several passwordless authentication methods are gaining traction, including:
  • Biometric authentication: This method uses unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial recognition, to verify a user’s identity.
  • One-time passcodes (OTPs): Users receive a unique code, typically via SMS or email, which they enter to authenticate their identity for a single session.
  • Hardware tokens: A physical device, such as a USB key, is required to authenticate the user.
  • Magic links: Users receive an email with a unique link that, when clicked, securely logs them into their account.

These passwordless methods offer increased security and convenience, as users no longer need to remember complex passwords or worry about password reuse.

  1. Integrating Passwordless Security into UI Design To incorporate passwordless authentication into web and mobile applications, developers should consider the following UI design principles:
  • Clear communication: Ensure that users understand the authentication process by providing concise instructions and prompts.
  • Consistent design: Use consistent visual elements and layouts across different authentication methods to provide a seamless user experience.
  • Streamlined process: Minimize the number of steps required for authentication, making it as simple and efficient as possible.
  • Error handling: Offer clear error messages and guidance to help users troubleshoot and recover from authentication failures.

By adopting UI best practices that support password manager compatibility and embracing the future of passwordless security, developers can create more secure and user-friendly digital experiences. As the digital landscape evolves, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve by implementing innovative security measures that protect users and their data. With passwordless authentication methods gaining popularity, now is the time to start integrating these cutting-edge solutions into your applications.

