Gas Fee War Has Started!

The Fight for Affordable Blockchain Transactions

5 min readDec 30, 2023


The gas fee saga in the blockchain world is not something new, the first time I heard about it was with the CryptoKittie hype in 2017. The game’s popularity led to a noticeable slowdown in transaction processing on Ethereum, accounting for over 10% of network traffic.

It is essential to remember that the Ethereum network operates on a bidding system for transaction processing, where users pay “gas” to have their transactions processed by miners. With the rise in transaction volume due to CryptoKitties, users found themselves competing for limited processing capacity on the network. This competition drove up gas prices as users were willing to pay more to prioritize their transactions, including those related to CryptoKitties.

CryptoKitties — Congestion Crisis

Recently, gas fees have exploded on all the blockchains, with Bitcoin reaching 37 USD per transaction, which is not unusual for the grandpa. However, things take a new turn when Ethereum and Avalanche show gas fees of 14 USD and 8 USD, respectively.

Gas fees are impacting our transactions and strategies. As they soar, they challenge the principles of efficiency and accessibility that blockchain promises, making the quest for affordable and efficient alternatives more crucial than ever.

The Problem of High Gas Fees

High gas fees in the blockchain world are a significant barrier for both users and developers. For everyday users, these fees can turn the simplest transactions into costly endeavors. Imagine transferring a small amount of cryptocurrency, only to find the transaction fee is as high, if not higher than the amount being sent. It’s not only frustrating; it’s unsustainable.

Developers face stifled innovation, as high costs hinder smart contract deployment and interaction; who will pay 116 USD in fees to perform a swap? Real-world examples abound. Take the recent surge in Solana’s price, partly attributed to Ethereum’s escalating gas fees. Users and developers, seeking refuge from these high costs, are migrating to alternatives… like Solana.

Solana vs. Ethereum daily active addresses. Source: Messari/Artemis

This highlights a pivotal issue: as blockchain technology becomes more mainstream, the platforms offering cost-effective solutions will likely attract more users and developers.

The Ethereum Familly Outsider

As gas fees soar, the blockchain community is on the lookout for viable alternatives. In the Ethereum family, while Ethereum reigns as the second-largest cryptocurrency and Ethereum Classic holds its ground, there’s an often-overlooked member: Callisto Network. This ‘little brother’ in the Ethereum family stands ready to challenge the status quo with its minimal transaction fees and EVM compatibility, positioning itself as a dark horse in the ongoing battle against high gas costs.

With transaction fees consistently below $0.001, Callisto offers a compelling solution to the long-standing gas fee conundrum. Its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) allows developers to transition seamlessly without the need to learn a new system or rewrite their existing smart contracts.

Promising lower costs without sacrificing familiarity, Callisto’s low fee structure is a fundamental aspect of its design, fostering a more inclusive and accessible blockchain ecosystem and redefining the economics of blockchain technology for the better.

Example of a transaction on Callisto Network

By significantly reducing the cost barrier, Callisto opens the doors for a broader range of users and developers, from hobbyists and small-scale projects to large enterprises looking for a cost-effective blockchain solution.

Redefining the Blockchain for the Better

Callisto Network doesn’t just excel in affordability; it also sets a high bar in security and innovation, two pillars that are crucial in the blockchain space. Security, often a primary concern for users and developers alike, is at the forefront of Callisto’s mission. The network has made significant strides in this area, mainly through its dedicated Security Department. This team has audited over 335 smart contracts, showcasing Callisto’s commitment to creating a safe and reliable blockchain environment.

Innovation is another key aspect of Callisto’s strategy. The network is transitioning to a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. This move is a strategic decision to enhance scalability and efficiency while maintaining the network’s decentralized nature.

Callisto’s approach to decentralized governance is another innovative facet. The network fosters a community-driven development model where decisions are made transparently and inclusively. This model empowers users and developers, giving them a voice in the network’s evolution and ensuring that Callisto remains responsive to the needs and aspirations of its community.

These elements form Callisto’s winning strategy: a blend of robust security measures and forward-thinking innovations. By prioritizing both safety and advancement, Callisto Network is leading the way toward a more secure, efficient, and user-centric future.

Gas Fee Wars Has a Winner

To conclude this article, I will just recall a number: 0,001 USD. This is what a transaction costs on Callisto Network, enabling the network to perform microtransactions or imagine minting a series of NFTs for less than 1 USD; the possibilities are infinite with Callisto Network.

Callisto Network (CLO) is available on, 1inch, Uniswap, Pancakeswap, and SOY Finance.

Disclaimer: This article is a contribution from a member of the Callisto Network community. The views and opinions expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Callisto Network.

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