How to Attract Top-Tier Talent

Cameron Herold
3 min readJul 13, 2021

A lot of leaders tend to complain that there is not enough top-tier talent in their metro area. That’s where they’re wrong. There is plenty of talent everywhere. If you can’t find any, that doesn’t mean that your city is lacking, it means that your company is lacking! You can’t find top-tier talent because the top-tier talent doesn’t want to work for you.

So how do you fix that?

Recruitment and Innovation

Google is arguably the best company to work for in the world. Their offices are renowned for their funky design and cutting-edge amenities. The level of autonomy and focus on innovation is legendary. And, yes, their above-average compensation and stock options don’t hurt their chances of finding top-tier talent either.

By creating an outstanding reputation, Google gets to pick and choose from the cream of the crop when recruiting. Then, as these innovative new hires inject new ideas and create new revenue streams, the company is able to sweeten their recruitment package even more. It’s a self-sustaining spiral of success.

But you likely don’t have $400 stocks or sushi bars to lure great employees, so what can you do instead?

Vision and Values

Begin with a solid foundation. Start by laying out a clear vision for your company. Build it on values that your ideal candidates will relate to.

Then, use everything in your arsenal to get word out. This means PR, networking, social media, everything. Fly a banner behind a plane if you have to! If you are building something new, innovative, and exciting, top-tier talent will seek you out.

Current Talent, New Talent

Top-tier talent attracts other top-tier talent. You have to be cognizant of each of your employees and every new hire you make. Compromise, settle, or scramble for someone who is simple “good enough” and soon you’ll have a team of employees with vastly different values, personalities, and work ethics. Good luck getting any top-tier talent to hop on board with that motley crew.

Don’t be afraid to go out and get the talent you want, either. Most, if not all of the great employees out there aren’t looking for work, they’re already working! So go out and poach them. It’s not immoral or bad business, it’s just the way that it’s done.

Not only that, but in any sort of time of cost-cutting, you’d be wise to keep your eyes and ears open for layoffs at companies you respect. If a profitable, fast-paced company that shakes a lot of your values had to carry out some job cuts, then say you’re hiring! Try to absorb their top-tier talent!

You need great employees to make your company great, but your company has to be great to attract employees. Sounds like an impossible paradox, but it’s not. Put the hard work in and make your company unique and innovative and the top-tier talent will follow.

How do you attract top-tier talent? Does your company do something unique to bring piles of candidates to you? Let us know in the comments!



Cameron Herold

Founder of COO Alliance | Author of 5 Books | Second in Command Podcast Host | Check out my Invest In Your Leaders Course →