Nimatu, a girls’ education activist in the CAMFED Association in Ghana, working to change the status quo. Photo: CAMFED/Eliza Powell

Act Now and Don’t Sit on the Fence

By Joana Guo, Senior Program Officer, CAMFED Ghana

There is definitely something wrong with people who sit on the fence, those who refuse to get involved, those who will not lift a finger or raise their voices to correct a wrong or help others. They are like the load that the rest of us have to carry along. They do not make things better, they are just occupying their share of the world and making no contributions. The police officers who looked on unconcerned while their colleague meted out the outrageous atrocity to George Floyd are a perfect example of how doing nothing can wreak havoc in our society. What is even worse is that many of us are guilty of this crime…

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CAMFED — Campaign for Female Education

We catalyze the power of the most vulnerable girls and young women to create the future they imagine — for themselves, for their communities, and for Africa.