Photo: CAMFED/Anna Sawaki

“I have been famous since I started doing this business!” Meet our CAMFED Association Beekeepers


By Anna Sawaki, Program Manager, CAMFED Tanzania

Across rural Africa, including in my country, Tanzania, steady jobs are scarce and many people work on small subsistence farms and in agriculture in order to support their families. Women face even greater barriers as they are often excluded from training opportunities, land ownership, and access to resources to make their agricultural businesses profitable. At CAMFED we support women to learn new skills in agriculture and set up small businesses so that they can earn a stable income and seize job and further education opportunities.

Women such as Naima, Zubeda, and Halima, members of our CAMFED Association — the network of women leaders educated with CAMFED support— who are from Kibiti district.

I spoke to these three enterprising young women to find out more about their beekeeping experiences and ambitions for the future…

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CAMFED — Campaign for Female Education

We catalyze the power of the most vulnerable girls and young women to create the future they imagine — for themselves, for their communities, and for Africa.