
Living with mental illnesses in rural communities of Chiapas.

Camila Jurado
3 min readSep 18, 2017

In Monterrey we had 6 participants diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, only 4 participants completed the workshop and presented photography projects to family members. Fragments of these can be found below.

©Georgina Miguel 2017, All Rights Reserved

During the first week we did different group activities to get to know each other better. Because most of them had never operated a camera before, we explained the different parts and how to use it. We also did exercises to understand how the light works in photography and how to play with the composition. When the participants felt more secure in the technical part we introduced the notions of narrative and symbolism in order to use photography as a means of expression. Each participant used their camera to explore negative and positive aspects of living with mental health problems.

©Lorena Ponce de León 2017, All Rights Reserved
©Georgina Miguel 2017, All Rights Reserved

“I never used a camera, it feels nice.” Participant, 30 years old.

©Georgina Miguel 2017, All Rights Reserved

“With this workshop you stop feeling lonely.” Participant, aged 40.

This participant shares the things that make her feel peaceful. Nature, doctors and friends have helped her through her struggle.

©Georgina Miguel 2017, All Rights Reserved
©Georgina Miguel 2017, All Rights Reserved

Final Presentations

©Lorena Ponce de León 2017, All Rights Reserved

Each participant invited their relatives to see the projection of their final photographs and listen to their stories. They were given a certificate along with 50 printed photographs.

©Lorena Ponce de León 2017, All Rights Reserved

