Benefits of a Great Summer or Winter Camp Program

Summer Camp
2 min readNov 29, 2017


You love spending time with your children. They grow up so quick. But even though you love logging the quality hours with them, if you and your spouse both work it can be difficult to balance the workload and the kids’ activities…especially when they are home for summer or winter break. Enter camp programs!

Camp programs have many benefits for kids if you find yourself too bogged down to keep them occupied every minute. The first and obvious benefit is that the kids will spend their day being physically active. Nothing will drive kids and parents crazy like being trapped indoors. Kids simply must get outside to move and play and interact with other kids.

Another fantastic benefit of keeping them busy at camp is the self-confidence boost that they get from working, interacting, and playing with other kids. At camp there’s generally not as much rigid structure as at school. They feel like there’s accomplishment each day all the while they are having fun!

Nowadays nothing is more frustrating than a parent losing their kids to technology like iPads, iPhones and the like. But when they get outside and play, they simply seem to forget all about these devices. They rediscover simple play and engage in real world activities.

At a solid camp program like the ones Camp Chateaugay provides, your children will develop lifelong skills. They will be exposed to different things like sports, arts, swimming, hiking, and running; a myriad of activities that they may not be engaged in back at home. Things that you can be sure they will use for a lifetime of fun.

You will also see your child’s independence grow tremendously. They will tell you all about the things they did, but you will hear about the decisions they made instead. Without teachers and parents guiding their every move the kids will welcome and embrace this newfound freedom however in a safe environment.

And lastly as your child has all of these amazing experiences and new events that take place at summer camp they will truly connect with peers and make lifelong friends. So before feeling guilty about sending your kids off to a camp program be assured that they will have more fun and learn many more things than if they were trapped at home as you scramble to balance work and life.



Summer Camp

Children’s summer residence camp the New York State’s beautiful Adirondack Mountains.