Get Liquid Rubber Flooring Done for your House

CanTech Canada
3 min readAug 22, 2017


You must have seen that with the passage of time, surfaces tend to deteriorate. This constant wear and tear damages the look of the surface. Sometimes this gives rise to open cracks which allow substances to pass through them. The surface of the floor suffers the most. The floor is used by all kinds of traffic. With the passage of time, the floor gets damaged and there needs to be either a replacement or a repair. Repairing a floor requires a lot of hard work. It is often the best idea to get floors protected before they are laid on.

There are certain areas of the house where the floor is used more as compared to other areas. The living area where you have to watch TV and carry out other routine work is the area of the house where the floor is used the most. This is also known as a high traffic area. A high traffic area is the one where the floor is used the most. At times people get their floors carpeted so that every damage to the floor is hidden smartly. In some cases, it would not do any good. Of the floor gets damaged, no carpet would prevent the loss associated with that damage. Similarly, the kitchen is the most used area after the living room.

The kitchen either has a wooden floor or tiles. The wooden floor would deteriorate with time and would need to be repaired. The part of the house which is outside and has to bear all the heavy traffic load is none other than the garage. The garage has to go through constant wear and tear which makes it vulnerable to the external effects. Heavy vehicles have to use the floor of the garage which give cracks to the whole area. With all the areas discussed above, they have to face high traffic everyday. They need to be fully protected against the damage which may destroy the surface of the floor.

The best solution is to get liquid rubber flooring done. Liquid rubber is a substance used to prevent all kinds of leakages and damages caused by external factors. Liquid rubber can also be easily molded into any shape which makes it flexible to use for the floors. With only a single coating, your floor would be protected against the harmful effects of the damage caused by high traffic. You need to make sure that you give enough protection to the floor.

CanTech Canada has provided eco-friendly products most suitable for all surfaces. These products give no harm to the environment and are very safe to use. They give protection against the water, fire, chemical, soil and dust. With only a single coating, your surface would be well protected against these harmful effects. All you need is either a brush or a roller to be used. You would clean the surface and apply a single coating with a brush or a roller and the surface would be protected for at least ten years. Get your floor protected with liquid rubber flooring and see the results yourself.

