The Esport Giants in Canada are at War

I ❤ Esports
3 min readNov 6, 2019


Currently there is a low key fight for your money, loyalty, and territory happening in Canada. Esports is seeing massive growth, and while the USA is grabbing everyone's attention the Canadian market is trailing right behind.

NewZoo says the North American market for esports is estimated at $409 Million as of 2019. If we follow the same trend as regular franchise sports, we should get a rough estimate how much the same revenue would be evaluated at, (potentially) for both the USA and Canada. Without a doubt, the numbers are only going to grow dramatically over the next few years.

2019, Esport Franchises
USA = ~ $370 Million
Canada = ~ $39 Million

Currently the two major players in the Canadian market are: OverActive Media (best known for owning the OWL: Toronto Defiant) and Enthusiast Gaming Holdings Inc. (Best known for the OWL: Vancouver Titans). Several smaller companies exist wanting in on the action, like Amuka Esports, New Wave Esports Corp., and Northern Arena.

Both OverActive and Enthusiast Gaming have spent well above $50 Million (minimum) on franchise spots for OWL, LCS and CDL. Unlike the smaller names they will supplement their revenue with the international market.

HOLD UP ! Let’s be honest here, they won’t want to share what’s on the table.

There are a lot of players fighting in a small arena, and there is not enough room for all of them. Especially when all of them want to fight for the small slice of ~ $39 Million. What makes this interesting is Toronto, Ontario being the central marker for esports and the home base to all the above companies. What makes this even more interesting is Montreal, Quebec is the central hub for video games in the country and one of the pillars in the industry world wide… What is going on here?

While the rest if Canada is locked in a war Quebec has been in conflict with itself. George St-Pierre (The UFC Fighter) tried to launch his own esports agency, failed horribly, and has turned his company into a video game daycare. The province, secluded because of its language barrier, has very low standards Vs. the rest of North America. It’s resources very few and spread out. The French Canadians who should be playing the most pivotal role in the country end up playing no role at all.

All that could change if Quebec would step up to the plate and take it’s place in Canadian esports. In the meantime Canadians should be a little more aware that all above mentioned companies are in the stock market, and of course, looking to make a dollar. While the two giants are at war - a fight to the death is happening at their feet.

-This is your biggest esports fan

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