eLearning Activity — Stage Two

Candice Panton
4 min readMay 27, 2016


candeecreative.geen.io ← eLearning Activity URL

The Client:

National Ride2Work Day is a Bicycle Network initiative. Its goal is to kick start a regular riding habit in Australians with this one-day active event. Normalising cycling as a commute option will have numerous benefits to the rider. To prevent safety issues for cyclists, and the pedestrians and drivers around them, Bicycle Network wants to ensure that all riders are current on road rules, riding etiquette, and their rights.

The target audience for the elearning activity is for employers & employees taking part in the ride to work event. They will need to complete the eLearning activity, and receive a completion certificate to be eligible to take part in the event.


The eLearning activity needs to: Help the participant reach a level of autonomy with the skill; be repeatable; be enjoyable.

Project Budget:


Learning Styles

Content gathering

1. Compared to drivers of vehicles, what are bicyclists’ rights and responsibilities?

2. Is it ok to ride while impaired if you stick to quiet streets only?

3. Why should you always use caution when riding next to parked cars?

4. When running late for work, should you grab onto the back of a vehicle to pick up speed?

5. When riding a bike, you must wear a ___________ on your head?

  1. You should ride your bike in the same direction as car traffic.

2.Reflectors and headlights are only for kids so they are more visible.

3. Bright-colored clothing make it easier for drivers to see you.

4. Using headphones when riding is okay if you play songs you love.

5. The law requires that you use hand signals when riding.

Identify your chosen delivery platform

The platform I’m going to use is Geenio. Geenio assists companies to create professional looking elearning activities for staff and clients to test themselves. Publish online for users to test on. Looks great and I saw another student was using it, now I can see why.

What kind/s of learning activity are you going to use to achieve your learning outcomes?

In this project, I am going to do three sections of 5 questions each. The first section is a multiple choice section, the next is a yes/no question section and the last is a mix and match section.

List the members of your team and include the strengths and weaknesses

The team consists of myself — Candice Panton to soley work on this project. I have design experience, have used Axure for previous projects and am confident I can complete this brief.

Prototype Development




  1. How was this learning objective being measured or assessed?
    - It is an online elearning activity being assessed on Geenio which is very professional elearning software for companies.
  2. Did the user achieve this learning objective? (yes / no / partly)
    - yes
  3. If not, why was the objective not achieved.

How did the session go?

  1. Did the facilitator have to step in at any stage due to the user being lost or confused?
    - no.
  2. If so, please list out each issue the user experienced and how you would recommend improving the resource.
  3. How long did the session take?
    - 3:17. Took around the time I expected.

Did the user make it to the end of the session?

  1. Was the resource appropriate for the type of learner?
    - the end user was my mum, she is 69.
  2. Did the user get board or distracted at any stage?
    - No, mum said it had enough questions to keep her reading through and wasn’t too long and boring.
  3. Discuss how you could user other learning techniques to better engage the user.
    - I think it was ok and my mum thought it was good with what was included.


Geenio: eLearning Activity Complete

