Avengers: Infinity War And The Stories That May Have Inspired Some Of It’s Scenes

Gary Walker
6 min readApr 28, 2018
Infinity War(2018)

I saw Infinity War the other night and I was very happy afterwards. There were a lot of scenes in the film that mirrored some of the most memorable panels and themes in Marvel stories I’ve enjoyed over the past eight or nine years. So, being the kind of person who can’t shut up about this sort of stuff — I thought I’d pick out some of my favourites. Although the characters and the circumstances are a little different in the MCU, its really nice to see scenes echoing the comics.

As always: There are spoilers within this article! Turn back now if you haven’t seen the film yet or read any of the stories!

Thor and an Axe

Uncanny Avengers Vol.2: the Apocalypse Twins

In one of the final scenes of the movie the Avengers are getting slapped around by Thanos until it appears they are all defeated. At this point a very powerful axe comes flying out of nowhere and hits Thanos in the chest, right where his heart is. Turns out the throw was very good but not good enough as it fails to stop Thanos and robs Thor of his ultimate triumph. This is almost identical to Thor’s conflict with Apocalypse in Uncanny Avengers, down to the placement…



Gary Walker

My specialist subject is Marvel Comics. Usually found on social media getting excited about things no one else gives a hoot about.