Pride Envy Greed Wrath — Poem

Capitol A
2 min readMar 12, 2023


Did you know

Once upon a time, long before the snow

There were four men

Peter, Edward, Gabriel and William

They lived in a small village

Their view of life a simple and peaceful image

They felt smarter and better than the fauna

They ridiculed the turtles, fish and the rabbits

Because they spoke with no tongue

And died with a mind young

And a life that they thought went unsung

One day they faced a man

A man with four hands

Who offered them a choice of three gifts

An emotional poise and its peace

The strength to move the world with hands

Or the mind to think of everything, everywhere, everywhen

With ignorance and hubris

The all chose a mind to think

Not knowing it would never stop thinking

Then these men

Who could think beyond even the now and then

Fell to their knees

And cried out in pleas

And they begged the man with four hands

To be turned into turtles, fish or rabbits

They knew nothing but madness

In the pits of their own minds

There was no world left to ground them

No love left, that was not already thought lost, no love that could hold them

All fell into their own heads

Every horror, fear and terror

Every man, woman and child murdered

And nothing could ever make that feel better

They wanted to be great artists

But they were ignorant of one thing

If you do not know discipline and strength

A giant mind and a soul’s world piercing view

Will make you cut off your ear very soon.

