How does CarTaxi app work for motorists?

Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2017

When you first launch the CarTaxi app you need to give it permission to make a phone call and access data about the device location. When logging in, the user gets to the creating order page. The program automatically determines the location of the device. To select the trip destination address of the vehichle to be towed, you can put a point on the map or enter it manually. You must also register and add your vehicle information (year, manufacturer, model and registration number). In addition to a vehicle information, you are prompted to specify the number of locked wheels. These data are needed in order to automatically determine the appropriate parameters for the type of tow truck. On the order section of your device it immediately displays the cost of towing. The last step is to select the method of payment (cash or card). The order is ready! The closest tow truck driver instantly receives a request and immediately comes to the aid of your car and you.




blockchain based decentralized platform, connecting all tow truck companies into one platform. It allows you to transport your vehicle quickly and efficiently.