So about that good news!

4 min readApr 8, 2019


Fish meets Diamonds

You can now use Carboncoin and CCE across all mobile devices

Both the original Carboncoin and the CCE token have been added to the Cointopay mobile applications, these include online shops, an exchange, point of sale applications and tipping applications all available from both the Google Play Store and the Apple i-Tunes Store.

So for the first time in the history of the original Carboncoin network, Carboncoin can be received, carried and sent on both Android and IOS devices, and in both cases downloadable straight from the approved sources.

Carboncoin’s legacy android application has been our only mobile solution up until now meaning that getting mainstream adoption was going to require the world to abandon Apple first — we are thrilled to announce that, thanks to the cointopay apps this is no longer a prerequisite.

We will be issuing a walkthrough for app installation and account setup, along with a few useful things to know while using the app. We’ll demonstrate a typical payment scenario. We’ll also talk about using the exchange (available direct from the app) as well as some further details on the other services which are now available to us.

The same services have been made available for the CCE tokens as well meaning that, within the application, paying from one Cointopay app to another, the CCE token can be used exactly as original Carboncoin. There are a few steps we have to follow before this is fully operational, but the basic functionality is live right now.

Downloading and initial setup:

Downloading the user app:



At the first screen you will tap “sign up” then on the next screen
For “shopname” don’t worry if you don’t have a shop make something up
Choose a username, again whatever you like
Put in your actual email (the one that you get notifications from).
Then under supported coins select Carboncoin and CarboncoinEth (and any other cryptos that you hold that you can see there) also note you can add more later if you need to.
Lastly choose a password but know that with these applications it is no longer the end of the world if you lose or forget your password, because you can reset it by email — that said, do your best to remember it!

You’ll get notified that your account has been successfully set-up and you’re away. The next step is to get some coins — some examples of how to go about this will be included in the walkthrough of using the wallet app, coming right up.

Quick note on the basic differences between Carboncoin and CCE for anyone in doubt

Carboncoin is our own network, it runs completely independently of any other network. We have run our custom security feature successfully for several years now and as of February this year we had 5 years of uninterrupted transaction history in our blockchain.
Transferring coins on the Carboncoin network costs virtually nothing and our 100 second targeted blocktime means that the standard two confirmation requirement happens in the time it takes to have a quick chat about planting tress and such.
This blockchain runs on hundreds of watts of energy.

The Carboncoin Eth (CCE) token is an Ethereum ERC-20 Token, so a token that exists on the Ethereum network. It therefore depends on the Ethereum network to run. The Ethereum Network, despite talking about sorting it out for a long time, still use an enormous amount of energy to operate. The mining consensus adds some additional degree of security and the transactions are very fast, provided you pay enough for them. That’s right, in order to move your CCE tokens, you will need to pay some Ethereum to do so. At peak time this can get quite “mainstream” expensive.

We have recommended that members of the Carboncoin network hold roughly half their holdings in each of Carboncoin and half in CarboncoinEth as a risk-management best practice but Carboncoin is very nearly two years older than Ethereum and still going strong, so it is up to you.

One final pretty cool thing about CCE

You can hold your CCE on an atomic wallet

In order to do this you have to add it as a custom token

Contract Address: 0x47F92eBF4881359469bcEffe1F753FE910701024
Full Name: Carboncoin Eth
Short Name: CCE
Decimals of Precision: 8

After that you should be able to give your CCE address to someone and have them send you CCE, however don’t forget you will need Ethereum to send them on from there.

While you will be able to have CCE on the Cointopay app, and can even buy them directly on the exchange, you will only be able to send them to another Cointopay app for the time being, while we iron out what we are going to do to best resolve the transaction fee issue.

So that’s quite a lot to be quite pleased about there I think. Back presently to walk through using the Cointopay Wallet App for receiving and sending Carboncoin and CCE, and even buying them through the linked exchange.




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