How to Do Navy Seal Burpees ( The Complete Guide)

Cardio Point
2 min readDec 13, 2022


Navy Seal Burpees are a great way to get in shape and improve your cardio. They are simple to do and only require a few things: a sturdy surface, some space, and some determination. but How to Do Navy Seal Burpees?

How to Do Navy Seal Burpees ( The Complete Guide)

Navy Seal Burpees can be done anywhere, anytime — making them perfect for busy people on the go.

How Do Marines Do Burpees?

How do Marines do burpees? Marines are no strangers to physical fitness. They regularly participate in vigorous workouts that keep them physically fit and mentally sharp.

One such workout is the burpee. The burpee is a full-body exercise that works for every muscle group. It starts with a standing position, then drops into a squatting position, followed by a push-up.

From there, the exerciser kicks their legs back into a plank position, before returning to the squatting position and finally standing up again. This simple but effective exercise provides an excellent cardio and strength-training workout. Marines often incorporate burpees into their workouts as a way to increase their heart rate and get in some extra strength training.

When doing burpees, Marines typically perform them at a rapid pace in order to get their heart rate up and maximize the benefits of the exercise. However, even if you’re not looking to break any records, simply completing several sets of burpees will give you an excellent workout.



Cardio Point

Fitness and health are important factors in quality of life, and can be achieved by eating right, sleeping enough, and exercising regularly.