What is a travel insurance policy and is it required while traveling?

Care Health Insurance
5 min readNov 17, 2021


The insurance cover that provides you accurate and real-time protection and aid regarding some of the specific travelling situations is termed to be a travel insurance policy. The entitlement to such policies includes coverage of losses ranging from the loss or theft of luggage to sudden medical emergencies and from accidental to natural death claims. The delayed or cancelled flights or bookings are also considered under such term cover plans. Even from the cost of any damage or injury done to the cost incurred as well as any disruption to the accommodation can be claimed under the same.

Though the main reason for buying the travel insurance policy may differ from person to person and from individual to group/crew but starting with the assessment of risk possibilities is always wise and advisable. Whether the planned trip is national or international, whether the same is a family vacation or a leisure time or a corporate business meet the risks are always involved. Here, the travel insurance policy serves as your helping hand/safety tool at the time of need. With a travel insurance policy at your side, you are free from worries regarding any uncertainties.

Benefits of travel insurance policy while travelling abroad

Trips to foreign lands are interesting and exciting but the risks and uncertainties involved are even larger. The slightest variation in currency can cause your budget to go upside down since the currency pattern and accountability for the same differ worldwide. But the travel insurance policy can easily put such uncertainties on a hold by assuring you the financial assistance and support.

A big supporter of medical emergencies: The travel insurance policy assures to be a supporter of the insured in terms of any medical needs in a foreign country. This implies that these policies guarantee proper health care irrespective of the place of stay of the insured. Even the expenses incurred on any dental care can also be reimbursed in the advent of travelling.

Reimbursement of expenses in case of lost passports or other legal documents: The frequent travellers may correlate with the topic one way or the other. The respective plan and policy is certainly a help for those who accidentally have lost their documents/passports etc. The renewal of the same is a lot expensive and terrible at the same time. The worth of the same is true and well understood by the insurance providers. With the specific costs and processes, they help you get a temporary passport till a new one is arranged. Thus, you can feel relaxed and comfortable in international countries.

A much wider range of benefits is offered by the travel insurance policy as far as common topics in national and international trips are concerned.

Common benefits of the same

Acts as a protector while travelling anywhere: The travel insurance plans act as your protector and saviour regarding any uncertain event during the travel, whether national or international. The coverage from any unfortunate event helps you stand rock steady at times of need.

Unpredictable accidents: Traveling always involves uncertainties and accidental risks as one is unaware of the situations of the new location. The respective policy of travel insurance may provide great support services in the same respect.

Theft or lost luggage: The travel insurance policy comes up as survival in such a loss situation. Even this stands with you at the time the luggage is delayed. The loss may be either during transit or the check-in and out. The continuation of the procedure is simple and relaxed.

Health and dental care: We all know that while travelling the situations differ from land to land. The clients and customers can depend on their travel insurance policy as per the health problems and crisis. The unfortunate medical emergencies in other regions, national or international, requires large funds even under small undertaking as the situation create a lot of panic and confusion. Though these can’t be pre-assessed but can be pre-planned in lieu of 0.01 per cent expectancy. The policy covers most of the medical expenses as O.P.D charges, hospitalization expenses, medical expenses, ambulance and shifting to hometown expenses etc. The coverage also includes the dentistry survives, and other such problems.

Financial services: The monetary need can arise anytime even during any trip. So, it is better to be sure to plan the same. Sometimes while travelling you are required to get financial help when the wallets, credit or debit cards are lost. Such trouble is backed up by the travel insurance policy.

The protection against unforeseen urgent circumstances always changes as you encounter and explore the trip and the beauty of the same. Sometimes this is hampered by a few unpleasant travel issues. The Care insurance policy for travellers always stands as your asset in such disturbing situations.

The respective company defines travel insurance meaning to explore the travelling situations in the best possible way. The acknowledgement of the same is essential and the rates can be compared on the online Calculator provided by most of the companies. The same widens smooth opportunities for even the students studying abroad. Care Insurance policy offers a full-fledged cover even considering the pre-existing ailments/diseases.

Benefits under student travel insurance

· Immediate hospitalization

· Old diseases covered

· Treatment at home town, nationally or internationally

· Medical grounds shifting to the home town/nation

· Loss of international passports

· Compensation for injury or harm to the insured or the third party

· Upgrading to business class

· Loss of legal documents

· Any accommodation delay, cancellation or trip loss or delay

· Unfortunate accidental death or any sharpening loss

· Any medical contingency or urgent financial need

Note: It’s better to go through the offer documents and brochure carefully before investing.

At Care insurance, we as a team assure you a long trustworthy list of trip enjoyment. There is no requirement for pre-policy check-ups in certain cases and this adds up to the real gentility of the same. The feature of extensive knowledge of the same and extended coverage nationally and internationally is recognised as the basic need of the hour.



Care Health Insurance

CHI is a specialized health insurer offering health insurance services to employees of corporates, individual customers, and for financial inclusion as well.