Inspired by Photographs — A reminder of what is important

Carla Mandell
4 min readJun 15, 2018
Photo by John Peters on Unsplash

An overwhelming amount of articles to be inspired by or to make you think deeply about the topics are available throughout the internet, newspapers and magazines. It is easy to get lost in the headlines, the need to read so much to just eek out the facts and even more to have a true understanding of what is happening around us. I felt this way today as I was looking through The Guardian website. So many topics, so many headlines, I simply could not read them all. Are any more important than another, the answer is likely yes. It depends on you.

Today, I found that I needed to not read, but to look. I needed to see things and learn for myself. This came in the form of photography. At first I was drawn to travel photos for their beauty but quickly saw their depth. Looking past the main image to the background, to the smile on the face, into their eyes and catching a glimpse of their soul.

This reminded me of the website Dollar Street, an amazing project that can remind you in just a minute how lucky you really are. Photos of families are show, from poor to rich based on monthly income ($40 — $5,000 seems to be the scale). One thing I noted is that happiness really isn’t dependent upon the income level. You can see it in their eyes. A Bangladesh family smiles just like a family in the US. Where you can really learn things is…



Carla Mandell

Hybrid Thinker (Design Thinking & Business), Writer and life long learner