DrFlyZ: The Battle for the Swamp

1- Plot Summary
2- Mint
3- Roadmap

5 min readAug 21, 2023

1- Plot Summary

Years have passed since the tragic events of Seth’s transformation into the grotesque creature. Now, Seth has become a reclusive and mad scientist, abandoning his human identity and taking on the ominous moniker “Dr. Flyfrug.”

Dr. Flyfrug

Consumed by his thirst for genetic experimentation, he has moved his laboratory to the edge of a vast and mysterious swamp, inhabited by a peculiar species known as Cryptoadz — toad-like creatures ruled by their enigmatic king, Gremplin.

King Gremplin

Dr. Flyfrug’s twisted mind becomes fixated on blending his own modified genes with the Cryptoadz, convinced that their unique characteristics could enhance his own abilities and grant him unmatched power. With his infamous teleportation device still intact, he begins his sinister experiments, capturing unsuspecting Cryptoadz from the swamp and subjecting them to his ruthless genetic alterations.

The FlyZ

Unbeknownst to Dr. Flyfrug, the swamp and its inhabitants are not defenseless. Some Cryptoadz have managed to survive the experiments and formed a courageous group called “The SwamperZ”, and they are determined to stop Dr. Flyfrug’s nefarious plans, protect their home, and save the remaining Cryptoadz from suffering the same fate.

The SwamperZ — Crushing Slipper

As the battle for the swamp intensifies, Dr. Flyfrug’s transformation accelerates, and he becomes even more unstable and menacing. His physical and mental deterioration make him an even greater threat to the fragile balance of the swamp and its inhabitants. With the fate of their home hanging in the balance, The SwamperZ must confront their deepest fears and summon all their bravery to confront Dr. Flyfrug and his monstrous creations. Along the way, they forge unexpected alliances with other creatures of the swamp, each bringing unique talents and strengths to the fight. As the final showdown between Dr. Flyfrug and The SwamperZ unfolds, the swamp becomes a battleground of epic proportions. The creatures’ determination, resilience, and love for their home are put to the ultimate test in a climactic battle of survival and sacrifice.

1/1 — MotivateMe

“FlyZ: The Battle for the Swamp” is an action-packed sequel.

2- Mint:

3- Roadmap:

The final goal for this collection is to raffle a Cryptoadz token and allocate a portion of the primary sales to @LilToadzDAO and @Cryptoadznft.

1- After reaching 5.5 ETH in primary sales, I will raffle a Cryptoadz token.

2- Once primary sales reach 10 ETH, I will allocate 10% to@LilToadzDAO treasury and 10% to @Cryptoadznft treasury.

3- After primary sales reach 15 ETH, I will raffle another Cryptoadz token.

4- After sell-out or when minting stops, royalties will be used for other raffles.
4.1- Royalties will be 6.9%.
4.2- For every 1 ETH in royalties, I will allocate 70% to raffle another token, which could be a Cryptoadz or another one selected by the holders.

Feed the Toad (the Burn):
Each raffle winner must burn a Flyz.
2- Whether the collection solds out or not, all the FlyZ can be burned to redeem art editions.

Editions will be small, ranging from 10 to 20 tokens.
2- Some editions could be split into half burned for redeem and half available for paid mints.


Minting website
Opensea Link

Thank you for reading.




CC0 x CC0 mashup ongoing collections. Creator of "The Bold Ones" on-chain