Everyone Is an Addict

A quick insight on addiction.

Caroline Splinter
1 min readDec 11, 2021
Capsule pills filled with glitter
Foto door Alena Shekhovtcova via Pexels

We live in a society that promotes addiction. We’re obsessed with magic pill style solutions.

To cure low self esteem, we buy a new outfit. To feel worthy, we overachieve. To get away from it all, we book a holiday. To take the edge off, we consume alcohol. To soothe our emotions, we use comfort foods.

What’s the common demeanor in all these examples?

The behavior is conducted to resolve an underlying psychological issue indirectly. Substance abuse is just another example of a behavioral adaptation used to avoid dealing with underlying issues. Yet, we demonize the junkie and glorify the shopping queens and workaholics. Both groups are simply using band-aids for unresolved wounds.

By all means indulge in the pleasures of life.

But ask yourself: “What’s the function of this behavior?” If you are trying to resolve something under the surface, know that you’ll be much happier addressing that concern directly.



Caroline Splinter

Reality Bending Mind Gymnast | Apprentice of Life | Psychonaut | Trauma Survivor | Joining You on Your Healing Journey