Lift Your Passion Project to the Next Level

Caroline Ghosn
4 min readApr 27, 2017

As CEO of Levo, a millennial-focused career platform, I’m fascinated by how others turn their passion into success. That’s why I loved participating in the Microsoft Office First Drafts Workshop — to learn more about the variety of passion projects people are dedicating their time to. During the hour-long Facebook Livestream, I had the amazing opportunity to connect with real people looking to take the next step in their business or side hustle.

When I look back at the workshop, I reflect on how important it is to learn from others. My hope is that this shared wisdom helps you take your own passion project to the next level. Whether you’re seeking a publisher, promoting a line of clothing — or pursuing any other idea that’s taken hold of you — consider how you can apply these tips to launch and build your brand.

· Seek out collaborators. You can’t succeed alone, so keep feelers out for others you work well with. Find people you trust who are like-minded, whether they work in your field or not. Collaboration is like carbonation for fresh ideas. Working together bubbles up ideas you would not have come up with solo, which gets you further, faster. Beyond that, work partners will test and refine your ideas through their input, bringing you that much closer to showcasing results you’re proud of.

· Share things before they are ready or perfect. It’s scary enough to reveal your work to your closest friends, let alone to those you know less intimately who can help you professionally. But you must get comfortable with it. For me, Office 365 helps me share my work with others, even when we can’t be in the same place. Co-authoring Word documents with my colleagues in real time keeps us all on the same page — right in the moment whenever our creativity is flowing.

· Think visually about your brand. Brand-builders often start by creating or collecting visual images that represent what they aspire to do. Whether you collect them on an app or a display board doesn’t matter; your goal is to visually represent what you and your brand stand for. It’s really about developing and refining who you are first — before you even start thinking about raising seed money. If you collect your pictures and thoughts in PowerPoint, you can easily showcase those visual ideas as part of an immersive, evocative sales pitch. And if you’re more verbal than visual, simply ask yourself what energizes you when you’re completely free to structure your time. Using those realizations will help you determine what your core values are.

· Keep your ear to the ground. This goes back to seizing every chance to learn. It’s a must to continually stay alert and aware, because ideas come from everywhere. And beyond relying on your fine-tuned radar to pick up on the next inspiration, consider seeking mentors. You may want someone who’s been around a while and knows the area you’re focused on inside and out, but don’t overlook someone a bit less experienced who truly believes in your vision. They could be the disruptors you need to help you stand out.

· Thank each “failure” for your chance to grow. Trust me: Every entrepreneur has felt like an utter loser at some point. So how do you bounce back? Every bump along the road is an opportunity to see what didn’t go right. Setbacks help you further develop yourself and your idea in a different way. No single stumble will end your stride, so don’t be afraid of it. For myself, I try to shift from fearing failure to feeling gratitude for the lessons I’ve learned.

· Tell your story. Then tell it again. And again. Whatever business you’re in, you are selling yourself — and your unique story sells you. Hone your message until it’s simple, clear and personal. Be 100 percent yourself, discover and highlight what sets you apart. People respond to authenticity, and if they love your work, they will become your champions. Make it easy for others to believe in you.

I love encouraging others to follow their dreams and I’m grateful to get the chance every day to live out my own. Check out the full workshop if you want to learn more.

And if you’re lacking a premier and easy-to-use productivity tool that can help you take your passion project to the next level, try out Office 365.



Caroline Ghosn

I care about enabling the ascent of this generation’s conscious leaders | founder + ceo @levoleague, which democratizes that success. grateful @stanford grad.