Does anyone have a rolly brush?

Carrie Brock
3 min readAug 3, 2016

I’m not a fan of pet hair. Surprising! I know. Considering I live in a big truck with 2 dogs, 2 cats, and one amazing husband who obviously loves me, as he is not an animal lover. Well, he didn’t use to be an animal lover! Anyway, every morning I have a routine… Cover EVERYTHING with blankets so I don’t have to sleep with the dog/cat hair the next night. We have more blankets than a homeless shelter. I cover the pillows. I cover the sheets and comforter. I cover the stack of clean clothes I have yet to lug up to the top bunk to sort them in drawers. I even cover the stack of blankets with a towel! I can’t really explain my logic here but whatever. That’s what I do. My darling four legged children have better plans for my well laid plans. Last night while my husband and I dined at my favorite steakhouse and discussed how wonderful our little creatures were and how we couldn’t find any better pets than them, our “angels” were rearranging the blankets. We came back to find Repo with his testicles on our pillows and Misser Chicken sprawled out on my sheets.

Little sweet Nicodemus had left us a present right by the brake pedal so he knew we would see it. He’s very considerate like that. He was hiding among the pillows. Please note this fact when reading how he “can’t” jump up on the bed. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Binx was the only innocent but I couldn’t think about that because he wouldn’t stop screaming. Let me explain… Binx thinks that he is entitled to everything I put in my mouth. He was letting me know that I had forgot to bring him some steak. He also does this whenever I take a sip of water or open the fridge. He even did it once to Troy when he was relieving himself in an empty water jug. Trust me Binx! You don’t want that in your water bowl. I guess Binx took his anger out on Nico because shortly after, poor little Nico got ran out of his bed. Binx is still claiming the bed as his today.

Nico waited until we had gone to sleep before he began his nightly dance of pick me up/no don’t pick me up. He pretends he can’t jump on the bed so he stands up on his back legs and scratches at the bed. When you lean over to pick him up, he cowers down so you can’t reach him. I may have grabbed him by his ears once or twice. Maybe. It’s possible. That could have happened. But I digress… What was the point anyway? Oh pet hair. I sleep with it nightly. I wear it daily. I have blankets that I attach the pet hair to and then cover other pet hair with them. Yep. That’s about the extent of it!

