Super Simple Interactive Instagram Stories

Casie Lane Millhouse
2 min readOct 11, 2017

I’ve been amazed by the versatility that comes with Instagram Stories lately.

The ability to drive traffic off the platform has been a pain in the ass for brands before the release of adding links.

Yo, Instagram has got your back now peeps!

Recently, I worked on a project where I used Instagram to drive traffic to our event pages.

We sold out of 3 events within 36 hours.

Not bad, Instagram, not bad at all.

Now, I’m testing out different forms of content.

I believe that Stories are the new TV.

But even better.

It’s like TV, video games, tons of LOLs all rolled into one.

But some people are using it wrong.

And that’s a problem I’m trying to change.

Here’s a little snip of an interactive Instagram Story I put together for a little known online store my daughter and I are building together.

How did I do it?

  1. Sketched the story on paper.
  2. Created background image in canva.
  3. Searched for Star Stickers on GIPHY.
  4. Created 7 short videos with stickers. YAY!
  5. Exported to Google Drive. (my airdrop doesn’t work!)
  6. Downloaded into iphone.
  7. Uploaded stories in sequential order into Instagram. (This after Instagram kept crashing on me!)

Total Time: 57 mins.

The Results?

Well, it’s only been a few hours but on this account so it’s difficult to say. However, I only lost 20 viewers from first screen to the last. Which is pretty good for this account. I typically have a 4.8% Swipe Away rate for the Stories.

I didn’t use any stickers or hashtags this was a test to see if viewers would stay through the entire sequence.

NOTE: there is a previous story in there that drives traffic away so for next time, I’ll experiment doing an interaction that’s entertaining with a CTA only on the last screen.

I hope you dig this quick one. Just wanted to share before I get caught up in creating the next handful of Storie without documenting.

If you want to explore creating fun Interactive Instagram Stories for your brand or yer cat, hit me up!



Casie Lane Millhouse

Currently at Meta building Augmented Reality things 😎 Futurist ✨ I love GIFs & walking on my hands.