Blockchain platforms have become a symbol of the next step of globalization

2 min readFeb 15, 2018


Blockchain platforms have become a symbol of the next step of globalization, paving the way for the new kind of apps — decentralized applications (DApps). Successful projects of this kind are now competing with traditional platforms. However, DApp developers are still facing a plethora of issues, one of the main ones being data storage. Casper API, an Ethereum-based infrastructure on the blockchain, was designed to solve exactly that issue.

This ecosystem implies creating a decentralized network where encrypted files will be distributed between the network’s participants. Casper API is different from traditional cloud storage services in that it is:

Secure — file storage system encrypts, fractures and distributes the data between different storage nodes.
High upload/download speed is ensured through the P2P protocol.

Shared access — the owner can create links to his data and share it with whoever he wants (friends, colleagues, partners).
Pricing transparency — all the payments are made through a smart contract on the blockchain platform, forwarding the money down the line.

Casper API not only has all the pros of a traditional cloud storage, it also has none of the cons. The infrastructure is resistant to censorship, does not bend to anyone’s will, be it a company or a person. The system is regulated by its users, and there is no one single point of failure while all the user requests are handled automatically.

The Casper API represents a new impulse in the world of decentralized application development. Developers will receive an ability to create great-looking DApps with a user-friendly interface. Lest we forget that clean design and usability poise any service for greatness.

