Casper API a reliable tool for storing information

1 min readFeb 19, 2018


In 2017 the project Casper API was launched, its creators aimed to provide developers of decentralized applications and their customers with a reliable tool for storing information.

The essence of the project reflects its name. In the American film industry Casper is a well-known character — it is a ghost. Of course, your files will not turn into something wierd , but in other respects their behavior is similar to the actions of the ghost — it is almost impossible to find them. Saved information with the help of Casper API is divided into several parts which trip with the use of the blockchain around the planet, and nobody knows where.

To raise funds for the project it has been decided to use Casper-tokens (CST), which will be issued within the ICO and the Pre-ICO. The last stage, held in December 2017, confirmed the success of the idea by finishing the sale of the tokens in 60 minutes for the amount of $ 1 million USD.

