Cryptocurrencies May Become Financial Element of the Internet

1 min readJun 6, 2018


According to Bloomberg Business week this statement came from Adena Friedman, the CEO of Nasdaq. She said cryptocurrencies can become a financial element of the internet as now they are at the height of a hype cycle.

Friedman also believes that cryptocurrencies may provide a more efficient way of doing trade, however she did not name any particular currency that can fulfil this purpose. She also expressed her belief that with time this feature will manifest itself.

Friedman also spoke out about blockchain technology saying it can be beneficial to certain markets:

“There are massive inefficiencies where there is paper instead of automation, where there’s really poor record keeping and everything’s in a drawer somewhere, like private securities. So we have to deploy blockchain into the private market, where you can find really long settlement cycles, and how [blockchain] can shorten those.”

