Curious fact about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology

1 min readApr 7, 2018


It’s been a while we haven’t posted curious facts about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology — we mend our way!
Did you know that a few years ago there was a website called Silk Road, where you could buy military equipment, weapons, banned drugs and much more?

Everything for bitcoins … Bitcoin payments made the site very popular. As long as the crypto currency is anonymous, buyers feel protected.

The creator of the Silk Road used the Pirate nickname and for a long time remained unreachable. Analysts said that about 5% of all the bitcoins mined by that time were circulating on his website! However, when the authorities took him in, they found only 20% of the total ammount. Another 80% were hidden safely by the Pirate!

Many enthusiasts are still looking for the Pirate’s treasure, but no one managed to find it so far!

