Do you need the physical equivalent of cryptocurrencies and what could be the token of Casper API project?

2 min readMar 11, 2018


We often tell you something interesting about blockchain and the most popular cryptocurrencies. For example, we have already said that the final number of bitcoins will be limited — in 2140 the last Bitcoin will be extracted.

21 million is the maximum number of bitcoins that will ever be mined. To date, around 12 million has been extracted. The mining algorithm reduces the number of coins found by 2 times every few years, so the process is uneven.

By the way, not everyone knows that a few years ago attempts were made to create the physical equivalent of Bitcoin (in the form of a coin). These coins received the name Casascius- it is nothing like “cold wallets” with a printed on them holographic key code but cast in the form factor coins. It is Casascius coin we see on all these beautiful photos with “coins” Bitcoin. Its plans for the minting of the physical equivalents Bitcoin declared the tiny island jurisdiction Alderney.

But still, the main advantage of the coin is in the absence of its physical carrier-here the whole history of moving any amounts from account to account, forever sealed inside the Blockchain — a global distributed and absolutely open database containing data on all Bitcoin wallets in the world.

And in your opinion, do you need the physical equivalent of cryptocurrencies and what could be the token of Casper API project?

