Growth in the popularity of decentralized data storage

1 min readFeb 14, 2018


Every day analysts record the growth of popularity to decentralized data storage. Along with it has increased the interest in applications based on blockchain technology (DApp).

The platform Casper API is designed to make these apps even more popular, this platform for decentralized cloud storage of information on smart-contract will provide applications’ developers with the opportunity to work on any blockchain.

As suppliers act the owners of the platforms who have provided a place to store information on hard disk. The tokens (CST) are used to pay them, which is the local currency of the created infrastructure. The investor who has invested money in the project or the holder of the token will get the profit by:

· Placing in the network the capacity to store information

· Renting a token to service providers

. Trading them on the exchange

CST is an asset, proven by volumes of information in the system.

