Hello, friends! We have done MVP Casper API. v.0.0.1!

2 min readMar 5, 2018


Hi, Friends!

Please, check this update for yesterday post about tested mvp.
Thanks to you we are getting better

Thanks for the feedback! We returned the necessary code to the Casper-SC repository for a smart-contract, which caused many of the build problems. To solve the problem, download the Casper-SC repository or make a git pull in the folder with this repository on your disk. Please, sign off on the results.

We have done MVP Casper API. v.0.0.1! The first version of Casper API is able to upload, edit and delete files in a decentralized network! We are now gathering like-minded people to test the power of decentralization! Together we will create the economy of the future.

We believe in openness, security and accessibility of information when data are stored by all, and at the same time do not belong to anyone.

Each of you have a chance to stand at the origins of decentralized storage CasperAPI. It is enough to provide your hard drives and be 95% of the time online.

This is a challenge for all of us! Painstaking work and systematic testing of hypotheses so that our Casper API withstand the load, stably store information and ensure the needs of Dapps.

That’s why we have prepared a prize fund for our first suppliers. 562500 Casper tokens (CST), which is equivalent to 90 000$, we will give to the first 150 providers, as a gratitude for their dedication to the idea.

We will start on the 7 of March at 12: 00 GMT. Every Wednesday at 12: 00 GMT we get those who want to become suppliers. Instructions for connecting are available at the link: (https://github.com/Casper-dev/Casper-server).
We collect the first Casper providers in our channel ( https://t.me/CasperProjectENG )

- apply.(https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHXxVzJULh-40pMbN4ybG_4dcQjovZbnXvX1jru-dFT-nPdQ/viewform);
- connect to the system (requires linux or Mac OS to connect);
- provide an external IP address;
- install our software to your computer;
- be online >95% of the time per week;
- point your ethereum wallet;
- leave free space on your hard drive (enough for up to 25.6 Gb!);

Every week we’ll be giving away tokens to service providers who have complied with all the conditions.
Interested? Fill out the form and wait to be invited! (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHXxVzJULh-40pMbN4ybG_4dcQjovZbnXvX1jru-dFT-nPdQ/viewform)Oh. On all issues you can write our product lead: alyona@casperproject.io

See you in the vastness of the decentralized network!

