How much longer people are going to keep using cloud storage belonging to a single, but well-known company?

2 min readMar 28, 2018


Trust is a global issue for humanity. It manifests itself virtually everywhere, you don’t have to dig deep to find an example: people don’t trust businesses, businesses don’t trust their partners. In the end nobody trusts anyone. Unfortunately, this situation is not unfounded.

Naturally, to solve this issue people invented middlemen — notary officers, escrow, etc. They were supposed to increase the trust people have for each other in all fields of activity, be it business deals or simple civil obligations. However, that system proves to be imperfect. The middleman is still human, and he is bound to make mistakes, accept bribes and other forms of influence.

This is relevant to all kinds of data storage as well. When data became abundant, and cloud storage hit the market, people were quick to assume that was the ultimate solution — send the data into the cloud, it’s safe and secure. International giants instantly provided this service: Amazon and Google rolled out their clouds for the masses.

People were quick to assume that cloud storage was especially secure under the custody of such giants. Which is not far from the truth, since these companies do guarantee storage security and wide accessibility, making their services attractive. However, both private and legal persons should be aware of the fact that the data is stored on servers belonging to one company, and in case of certain pressure from a third party, the servers can be confiscated or tampered with even against the operator’s consent.

And what’s your opinion, for how much longer people are going to keep using cloud storage belonging to a single, but well-known company? Considering the obvious security issues at play.

