The network of data storage provided by Casper can undermine the position of monopolies in entire industries

2 min readFeb 23, 2018


To store information in one place, to use a system which depends on other people… even schoolboy knows that it is unsafe. And when it comes to storing important data, not just photos with lovely relatives, even more so.

That is why Casper team has developed its own product that will ensure data security on the basis of blockchain, that is, first of all, it will be given the independence from the will of one person or organization. The network of data storage provided by Casper can undermine the position of monopolies in entire industries.

Automatic execution of user requests, regulation by members of the network and independence — all these are beneficial for users of cloud services. Casper can also be a new stage of development for DApps (decentralized applications). Decentralized storage gives DApp the ability to create a convenient interface for its services, the content of which will be stored in Casper.

The creation and operation of music stores, photos or videos, news, mail services will be easier with the use of Casper. Complex services on its own blockchain such as network game, a cloud-based platform of democracy, the social network will be able to use Casper to store UI files and unstructured data.
And in the foreseeable future governments of different countries can begin to transfer their services to the blockchain in order to reduce costs, ensure full transparency and absence of corruption.

The principles of Casper will help to influence the development and widespread growth of the number of such decentralized applications in all areas of business, politics and everyday life.

