What will happen to bitcoin in 2140?

1 min readFeb 16, 2018


Bitcoin has recently been on the marquee… sometimes it is growing, sometimes, its rate is plummeting…as you know, only 21 million bitcoins are available for mining. But what will happen when the last bitcoin is mined?

By the way, around 2140 will be mined the last coin. Does this mean that all people are going to burn their farms and to spend money on an intergalactic yacht -this fact is unknown.

However, it is possible that bitcoin, like any other currency, will be divided into smaller units — Satoshi. And Satoshi can become a trade unit, while bitcoin will be used only for big calculations.Nowadays, may be a commission of 10 thousand Satoshi sounds unrealistic and seems unprofitable and meaningless, but in the future it may change.

However, you may have other suggestions what will happen with bitcoin after 2140…


