Who are Casper API providers?

1 min readMar 20, 2018


Who are Casper API providers? In fact, they are, perhaps, the most crucial element of our system!

Suppliers — are individuals or legal entities that offer a storage capacity on their computers/servers, using our application and receiving a reward in the form of our token CST.

Why are suppliers so important? During the registration each of them states the amount of hard disk that it provides for storage, and the speed of its Internet connection to receive and transfer. And only after several providers are registered in Casper, the service is ready to provide a storage service of a sufficient level of reliability and enable the user to place the file.

Do you want to become a supplier? Our system has several requirements that need to be met.

First, you need a high-speed Internet, free disk space, and Casper tokens (to provide 25,6 Gb — you will need 1 CST).

Second, our system regularly checks suppliers, so you should be online 95% of your time.

More details: http://www.casperproject.io/providers.html?utm_source=mediumpreng

