Thank you, all of you.

Catherine M. Merritt
6 min readMay 22, 2018


I woke up this morning in disbelief: I’ve raised $6,001 as part of my AIDS/LifeCycle ride fundraising campaign. Those funds will go to people living with HIV/AIDS and research to help find a cure. As I’ve been training, buying gear, grappling with the physicality of what the ride will entail, knowing how many of my friends, family, colleagues past and present have supported me has kept me motivated and going, and I know will be the case when the ride begins. With that said, I want to thank everyone who has donated and if you haven’t yet, there’s still time! Thank you!

Merritt Group Consulting Partners and Clients: I want to thank all my clients, past and present, who have allowed my company to grow and thrive and giving me the confidence to take on this new risk. My company made a donation to my fundraising campaign on behalf of my clients as a ‘Thank you” for your partnership. I’d like to thank Ryan Gunnigle, David Butler, Ross Kimbel, Meryl Macune, Lynn Duncan, Theresa Costas, Shearean Salimi (and everyone at Kids II, Baby Einstein, Be Curious Partners), Andy Rosenband, Jonathan Rosenband, Phil Rosenband and everyone at Morgan Li; Nathan Elwell and Lincoln Churchill, Beth Goeddel and Artisan Kettle Organic Chocolate, Derek McCary and the entire hmbdlt/dosist team, Doug Sohn and Hot Doug’s, Keith Glantz and EVERYONE at Glantz Design

Olson Engage, Oscar Mayer Team

When Work Friends Are Real Friends: Over the course of my career I’ve been able to work with, work for and work on behalf of some of the most inspiring people who have shaped me, more than they know. When I signed up to do this ride, I didn’t imagine how many people I know in a professional capacity would donate to support me; I am grateful and humbled by their commitment to this cause and their belief in me. With that said, I’d like to thank the people I’ve worked with, brainstormed with, worked for and known throughout my career who donated: Amy Cheronis, Jody Moore, Doug Sohn (TaDee$Y), Lynn Duncan, Colleen Curtis, Tricia Ewald and Allan Schoenberg. Thank you!

FWP Ladies, a year or two ago ;)

FWP Colonels: It constantly amazes me that friends I made when I was four years old are still my friends today. That’s the power of Parker, its model home, complete community and embryonic democracy. Thank you to all my friends I’ve known longest in my life, your support and donations mean so much. It means the world, Andy and Laura Rosenband, Joanna and Daniel Thomas, Hana Field and Mike Scott-Rudnick, Lauren Long, Jonathan & Shelbi Sheinkop, Abbie and Paul Damato, The Gansner Family!

Clad in Stevie Howell Studio Designs xxo

Skidiots: Who knew during four short years I’d meet and make some of the greatest friends (and friends of friends) of my life? I am so lucky and grateful to the amazing friendships that were planted at Skidmore and have grown all these years later. It’s a rare and special thing that I don’t take for granted. And THANK GOD for Stevie Howell who will be on this ride with me, my tent mate and my link to sanity! Thank you to everyone I know through Skidmore who donated: Joanna Dubin, Maritza Schaeffer and Dave Eklund, Tom Suberman and Scott Campbell, Owen Clements, Judith and James Pagnam, Dana and Tom Casey, Lawrence and Linda Howell, Stevie Howell, Ian Merritt (I LOVE YOU!), Carolyn Tisch and Will Blodgett!

Halloween on Park Place

E-Town Friends: When we moved to Evanston, I couldn’t have imagined what great friends we’d make, so quickly. We have made such meaningful connections with so many people here, parents to our kids friends, neighbors, colleagues, and it’s made us better to know you all! Thank you to everyone we’ve known in our time in Evanston who donated and for your friendship to me and my family. Please keep an eye out for Ian and the boys while I’m gone and send a six pack when things look rough! Thank you, Anastasia Masurat and Tim Carnahan, Melissa and Mick Hevner, Mark and Jill Royce, The Breslow family, Ann Marie and Mike Bell, The Morrissey family, the Walker-Belfor family, the Bossert family, Chaneice, Larry, Brody and the Brown family, The Walker Family, the Kaiser family, the Machut family, Marissa and Addy Woods, Emily and Joe Davis, Sara and Sanjay Sood, Bill and Larissa Tripp, Elizabeth and Nate Pence, Dr. Parul Gupta (WHO- also delivered Teddy! We found out after we moved to Evanston she and her family live two blocks from us!), Lauren and Steve Schultz, Matt and Cristen Jenkins, Natalie Mindrum and Adam Pollet, Trei Lane and Annika Osterberg, The Le Family, Nick and Michelle Long, The Peterson Family, Rachel and Nathan Elwell, Scott and Caroline Hays!

Casual friends.

Friends, dear, near and far: Growing up I was raise to believe that family friends are indeed extensions of our family, blood be damned. Our holidays were compiled of my parents’ friends who joined us and were part of our extended family. Today we are lucky to have friends from all walks and places in our lives who are also close and feel like family. Thank you to our friends from everywhere, who donated! Leah and Jim Talbot, Sarah and Ben VanLoon, Michael, Stephanie Hall and Llewyn Noel, Claire Zulkey, Auntie Sug and Uncle Rich, Laura Baginski and Patrick, Owen Wasser, Mary Richardson Graham, Kim Snail Mucin Bosch!

FAMILY! There’s no way, not at all, that I could do this without the support, love, encouragement and help of my family. From Ian and my boys, to my parents, my sisters, Beth, Edd, Chris, Nik, Ben, Rory, my aunt and Godmother Susana, cousins Siobhan, Bob, Gen, Julie, Chuck, Stephanie, Paul, Kevin, Lauren, Abigail and Brian- THANK YOU! I love you all and am grateful every day that we get to be related and to love and respect and support one another.

My loves

Ian and the boys get an extra special shout out. When I decided to do this ride, the hardest part for me was the thought of being away from them for so long. It still is. As I type I feel a pit in my stomach of worry and sadness, but I think that’s also a big reason why I’m doing this. I want my boys to see me as a strong woman, not just their strong mom. I want them to know that Ian and I have full, meaningful, thriving lives in addition to our roles as their parents. Ian has been and continues to be so supportive and encouraging. He has taken on a heavy load as I’ve trained for the ride and when I leave for it and I am grateful for his support and enthusiasm for me to be part of this. I feel a weight of guilt to be leaving but he just smiles, assures me he and the boys will be fine and beams with excitement for what’s ahead. We will all miss each other and it’ll make it that much sweeter for when I see them again in California.

It’s been a joy to write this because it makes me think about all the people who have donated and supported me and I will take you all with me when I’m on the road in California. Thank you, everyone, for you support. It means the world.



Catherine M. Merritt

Entrepreneur. Marketer. Consultant. Advisor to Be Curious Partners- a VC for tech-enabled parenting. Wife. Mom. Will never say no to Champagne.