4 Catholic Artists Who Show the Beauty of God’s Creation

3 min readAug 11, 2017


For centuries, the Church has recognized the essential role that the arts play in our lives. The arts are not simply a pleasant addition to everyday life, but are a crucial part of the human experience. In a unique way that cannot be replicated by any other means, the arts reveal the beauty of God’s creation and communicate universal truths, penetrating to the depths of our beings and resonating there.

Catholic artists in particular have the blessing and responsibility of making God known and glorifying him through their work. Their gifts come from God, and so it is fitting that they should give the fruits of these gifts back to him while also drawing others closer to him. Whether they are visual artists, musicians, writers, dancers, poets, or dancers, artists work hard to show us the extraordinary beauty of God’s creation. These four Catholic artists exemplify how to glorify God through their craft.

1. Antonin Dvořák (composer)

Best known for his New World Symphony, Antonin Dvořák was a composer from a village in what is now the Czech Republic. Dvořák composed both sacred music and secular music and became one of the most important and influential Czech composers. He was a devout Catholic, and his faith informed his music. In particular, his love of nature inspired him to praise God’s creation through his compositions.

2. Flannery O’Connor (writer)

Flannery O’Connor was a 20th-century Catholic writer from Georgia. Her fiction, including short stories and novels, was known both for its dark humor and spiritual depth. O’Connor’s Catholicism influenced every part of her life, and her interior life was so strongly developed that it cannot be separated from her writing. Some of the most common themes in O’Connor’s fiction are sin, guilt, and the need for grace.

3. Michelangelo (artist)

One of the world’s most famous artists, Michelangelo was a Catholic sculptor, painter, and architect of the Italian Renaissance. His body of work reveals a deep appreciation for the beauty of God’s creation. Michelangelo went to such lengths as studying cadavers to accurately depict the human body. He holds an iconic role in the world of religious art, thanks to such masterpieces as the Pieta (pictured above) and his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

4. Alfred Hitchcock (director)

Though he is not known as a particularly devout Catholic, Alfred Hitchcock was a lifelong Catholic whose faith had a great impact on his films. Hitchcock is a Hollywood legend, and his films were certainly products of the times and the culture. But they also had strong spiritual elements, and they often focused on themes like the nature of good and evil and guilt. Catholic imagery is widely present in his work.

Like all people, artists are not perfect, and even their spiritual work does not indicate saintliness. However, many Catholic artists have allowed their faith to influence their work, lifting others toward a deeper relationship with God while glorifying him. We join Pope Francis in praying for artists, that they may be blessed in their work and use their gifts for the glory of God.




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