Is Instagram good for business promotion?

Artur Pamphila
4 min readMay 14, 2019

Let’s face it, if you have a business Instagram account or if you are an owner of a business, brand, a company or a single product, you have at least asked yourself once that “Is Instagram even good for my business?” or “Can I drive more sales to my business through Instagram?”. Here in this article I want to answer these questions and the questions similar to these ones.

It is now known by most of the Instgaram users all over the world that Instagram is worth it. Either you are trying to promote a business and own a business Instagram account, or you have a personal page and you are just trying to grow your followers and get famous, Instagram is the place for these purposes.

Now let’s jump to the reason why I believe Instagram is good for your business.

  • You can reach a lot of people all in one place

For a business what would be better than having so many people in one platform waiting to get to know their business or products?

With more than 1 billion monthly active users Instagram is the best place you can try to promote your business and introduce it to people. There are over 25 million Instagram business accounts active on Instagram nowadays. From this you can figure out how useful owning a business Instagram account can be.

All you have to do is to set up a business account, if you do not have one yet, and just get going. Share pictures and videos of what you offer and have a good marketing strategy to get where you want sooner.

  • Visual content is so important for marketing your content

It is totally obvious that pictures and videos have much more impact than only texts. It can attract more people and would not seem boring.

Instagram is a great platform to engage your fans and keep them coming back for more. you can incorporate the imagery you use on Instagram into your other marketing channels, such as your blog and email newsletters.

Try to post high quality videos and pictures too keep your followers and customers interested in your content.

  • It is an opportunity to engage with people

Instagram gives you this chance to engage and interact with the people trying to get to know your business, offers and products better or even buy them. You can easily answer their questions in the comments or Instagram direct messages and keep them satisfied with being available to them.

It also is an opportunity you can have other people’s feed back on your content and try to make it better in the way more people would be interested and become your mighty customers in the future.

Don’t forget to use Instagram stories. they are the key to get more engagement since Instagram offers so many fun and interactive stickers with which you can make your followers interact with you.

  • You can find your competitors and keep an eye on them

There surely are some people and businesses in the world that provide and offer the same things and services as you do and they most probably have an Instagram account as well and are trying to attract customers and followers and make their content and business more known and popular.

You need to find them and research on what they are doing and how they are doing it to try to be better than them and increase your popularity more among similar accounts like you.

The reasons above where just a very few reasons why having a business Instagram account can help your business and boost up its popularity and sales. there are more and more advantages of promoting your business on Instagram so if you have not started yet, just begin today and you’ll be satisfied with the result.

