Cat in Blender is NOT OVER YET ! Do you know the Chinese cat torture rings?

Cats in China Need Your Help!
5 min readJan 28, 2024

Do you recall the video titled “Cat in Blender” that rapidly spread on X last May? I sincerely hope you haven’t seen it. True to its title, the content is extremely brutal.

This video was filmed in China, but the individual responsible for this act has not been arrested. The reason being that China lacks laws regulating animal abuse. This issue has persisted for over 18 years.

Recently, numerous groups engaging in cat abuse have emerged on Chinese social media and platforms like Telegram. These groups sell cat torture videos and generate revenue through customized torture and live streaming, and incredibly, children as young as 10 years old participate in this. The reality of such actions in an advanced nation like China is truly shocking.

I hope to raise global awareness of this issue and encourage people around the world to take action to save the cats living in China. I sincerely hope you can spare a little time to read it.

The China Cat Abuse Rings

The China Cat Abuse Rings are highly complex organizations, challenging to describe in a few words. These groups, existing for over 18 years, now encompass numerous “cat abuse groups” engaging in torture and abuse for various reasons and purposes. In recent years, these groups primarily operate on platforms like QQ, Kuaishou, and Telegram, involving not only adults but also minors in their cruel acts.

The purposes behind the torture and abuse carried out by these groups are diverse, ranging from entertainment, torture based on custom orders, monetization through filming and selling animal crush videos, to demanding “ransoms” or “sexual images” from individuals or protection organizations for taking cats. Shockingly, there are even cases involving payments to underage girls for cooperation in filming animal crush videos.

If you’re already familiar with the China Cat Abuse Rings through X, you might have seen images of kittens confined in plastic bottles. The Telegram channel “晴天” operated by a Chinese cat abuse group is known for these images.

Why is there so much cat abuse in China?

The background lies in the harsh reality that there are no laws protecting dogs and cats from torture and abuse. The proposed “Animal Protection Law” in 2010, despite being drafted by experts, has yet to be enacted. Even Jack Latiao, a video streamer involved in animal abuse, faced only a few days of detention not for animal abuse charges but for “causing a negative impact on society” under the Public Security Administration Punishment Law.

These cat abuse groups exploit the absence of laws, boldly proclaiming that “cat abuse is legal,” expressing gratitude for living in a country where it’s “legal to love (abuse) cats.”

How do the people in China perceive this situation, and why isn’t anyone taking action?

The recent pet boom has led to more people adopting dogs and cats as family members, resulting in increased condemnation of torture and abuse. In 2020, an incident in Shandong Province where a university student tortured a cat and sold the video for profit led to a petition demanding an “Anti-Animal Cruelty Law,” gaining support from over 1.05 million people in just four days. During this period, major media outlets in China, including China Newsweek, Xinjingbao, Fenghuang Net Public Welfare, and Sina Weibo, advocated for anti-animal cruelty laws.

Even after the gruesome acts by Jack Latiao in March 2023, various demonstrations demanding “animal protection” erupted across the country a few months later.

However, despite the numerous signatures, media activities, and courageous actions by citizens, there is still no sign of animal protection laws being enacted in China.

Why does the world need to speak up?

In China, with its different political system, citizens’ voices rarely lead to legislative changes. Despite the widespread brutality, pain inflicted on animals, and the involvement of minors to fulfill profit motives and perverse desires, the Chinese government has not taken any significant steps. This is why our voices and cooperation from people worldwide are crucial.

In September 2023, someone informed Consul Xue Jian at the Chinese Consulate in Osaka about the “China Cat Abuse Groups.” Although the account has been deleted, the Consul’s replies are still available.

He said this “China is also a law-ruled society, so if there is an illegal act, the relevant authorities will not ignore it. However, since this is a purely domestic issue for one country, it is common sense that it would be difficult for you to get directly involved, although I do not understand your feelings. I would like to leave it to China itself. In China, the National People’s Congress is currently working on amending laws to strengthen animal protection. Please pay attention to related information.”

If China positions itself as a society governed by the rule of law, why did it neglect legal reforms when the animal crush industry was exposed in 2006?
Why does the Chinese government continue to tolerate a society where underage girls are still forced to participate in pornographic sexual perversions, where cat abuse groups seduce minors, and where 10-year-olds say they “love cat abuse”?

To claim that “legal revisions and improvements” are underway, too much time has passed.

In January 2024, images of cats confined in bottles, allegedly involving China Cat Abuse Groups, were posted on the Telegram of the SNS group “C31K,” arrested in Turkey. The influence of Chinese cat abuse groups has already crossed borders, being used in propaganda by terrorist organizations. It is no longer just a “purely domestic issue.”

As the Consul pointed out, we cannot directly intervene in China’s politics. However, it is essential to communicate how these actions are perceived globally and to expect the responsible stance that should come with being an advanced nation.

What You Can Do to Help Cats Living in China

This initiative is underway not only in Japan but also in the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, India, Switzerland, and various other countries. There have been demonstrations, even in Helsinki, Finland, last December, and voices from around the world are being sought, yet more are needed.

To ensure that all cats and animals in China can live without enduring cruel torture for entertainment or financial gain, please lend your support.

The action list to help cats in China can be found on this page.

You can take various actions, including sending emails to Chinese authorities, newspapers, and government agencies, as well as signing petitions. If you are part of a certified NGO, media organization, or law enforcement agency, you can also request detailed evidence of abuse through the “Contact Us” section.

These accounts not only disseminate information about China’s cat torture rings, but also focus on the current situation facing cats, dogs, and animals in China, with a call to action via email.




@ EevaPaavilainen

