My Top Programming Memes of 2022

Cav Lemasters
3 min readJan 4, 2023


Ultimately, the appeal of programming memes may vary from person to person, but they can be a fun and enjoyable part of the programming experience for many people.

They provide a sense of relatability through shared experiences, a sense of community through sharing between friends, and occasionally education through roasting bad practices.

Every year, I stash the best programming memes I find into a private Discord server — revisiting these tends to help me get through my day and provide a bit of levity in an otherwise serious work environment. Here are the best of the best from my collection in 2022 (some may not have been made in 2022, but that is when I stumbled across them).

I have no ownership of the memes included below, just found them through a variety of channels (mostly Reddit and Twitter, or other programming nerds).


A programmer sits in front of his computer camera which indicates his age, mood and gender. It then indicates a hidden presence behind him at least 250 years old and angry.

The age-old question has been SOLVED

An array is given with chicken and egg emojii then told to sort, the chicken comes first in the sorted array.

Giving the client a demo when some features aren’t ready yet…

A police car is seen from a distance, upon closer inspection its just a cardboard cutout

The forbidden light switch that somehow runs EVERYTHING

A sign over a light switch that says “please do not turn off the light switch, it also operates the elevator, thank you”

Job descriptions aren’t always 100% accurate, are they?

Must be willing to work in a fast paced environment, shows a desk that is very bland and boring

She has a point… doesn’t she?

The 8 year old is learning Python, and after a dealing with a syntax bug she asks: “If the computer knows I’m missing a semicolon here, why won’t it add it itself?” I don’t know. Ireally don’t know.

Round Two…. FIGHT

When the same bug appears again and again in my code.  Me to that bug: You forget we played this game already?

You know, I’m something of a doctor myself!

Woman: Any doctor here? Man: I’m a doctor! Whats going on? Woman: A heart attack! Man: I’m a doctor of Computer Science! Woman: He is going to die!!! Man: OldMan.setHealth (“100%”);

It was at that moment, I realized I was in tutorial hell.

A computer program that falsely indicates that 2 and 3 are the same number, as well as a timer for how long the program took to finish and exist status codes. Tutorial hell.

Giga brain dad trolls an entire school district

A dad named his son after a command in SQL that wipes an entire database

I’ll take care of that bug tomorrow!

That was a problem for future me, and now I am future me.

Technical interview vs the actual job

An actual man fighting a bear, and winnie the pooh tackling christopher robin

Best of Dilbert (yes I know its from 2016)

Good web developers and deadlines don’t mix!

More available at

Whether these brought tears of joy to your eyes or were super cringe, I hope they at least brightened your day a little bit! Thanks for reading!

