Craig Rygaard Net Worth: Businessman’s Earnings

Celebrity Net Worth News
6 min readJun 5, 2024


Craig Rygaard Net Worth: Businessman's Earnings

Craig Rygaard, from Port Angeles, Washington, shines in the logging world and TV. Known as a fiery American businessman, he leads with passion. His team, including his son Gabe, made their company well-known. Through “Ax Men,” Craig showcased logging’s challenges and gains. He now boasts a $3 million net worth. Under Gabe’s leadership, the Rygaard’s legacy looks forward to new success.

Key Takeaways

- Craig Rygaard is a well-known figure in the logging industry, based in Port Angeles, Washington.

- His net worth is estimated at $3 million, primarily from his leadership at Rygaard Logging.

- Appearance on the reality show “Ax Men” significantly boosted Craig’s and Rygaard Logging’s fame.

- Craig is renowned for his intense and sometimes short-tempered leadership style.

- With Gabe Rygaard now leading Rygaard Logging, the family’s business legacy continues to evolve.

Introduction to Craig Rygaard

Craig Rygaard is a big name in logging and reality TV. He started as a logger in Port Angeles and became famous on “Ax Men.” His story shows his huge impact and dedication.

Who is Craig Rygaard?

Craig starred on “Ax Men” on the History Channel. His strong leadership and bold TV presence won many fans. Off-camera, his love for logging and his family’s business stand out. This makes him a hero in Port Angeles.

Background Information

Craig grew up in Port Angeles, deeply connected to logging. Before he was on TV, he was known for working hard and valuing his family. His company, Rygaard Logging, prospered thanks to his efforts.

Craig led Rygaard Logging to grow and increase its worth. His life has had ups and downs, giving us a full picture of logging. Reality TV made him more famous and increased his pay. But, he stays true to the hard work that marks logging in Port Angeles.

The Rise of Rygaard Logging

The Rygaard family legacy is quite remarkable. Their logging company did not appear overnight. It was built on decades of tireless effort, determination, and working together as a family.

Rygaard family legacy

Founding of Rygaard Logging

The story of Rygaard Logging’s founding is one of true grit. Led by Craig Rygaard, they faced early challenges head-on and grew bigger in the logging industry. The family’s strong commitment was key to laying a solid foundation for future success.

Success on “Ax Men”

Rygaard Logging’s big break came with their role on “Ax Men”. This show did more than highlight their work; it made the Rygaard name known everywhere. Gabe Rygaard’s charm and know-how on the show helped them become leading “Ax Men” loggers. This TV exposure was vital for their success, growing their fame and business.

The story of Rygaard Logging is a powerful example of achieving greatness through hard work, team effort, and a bit of TV stardom. Looking at their journey, it’s clear that Craig, Gabe, and the whole Rygaard family have built an inspiring legacy.

Craig Rygaard’s Role in the Logging Industry

I’ve always looked up to people who make a big difference in the logging industry. Craig Rygaard stands out among them. His work as a logging industry leader is broad and comes from his special way of leading. The impact of reality TV on his business also played a big role.

Leadership Style

Craig Rygaard shows his business smarts in how he leads. He is known for his straightforward way. This style combines tough persistence with a strong will. It earns respect but also makes his crew a bit wary.

This approach shaped Rygaard Logging’s culture. It makes sure things are done right and with strict control.

Impact of Reality TV on Business

Reality TV changed how we see some jobs, and Craig Rygaard on “Ax Men” is a perfect example. Appearing on the show made Rygaard Logging very well-known. This exposure through reality TV brought fame and a new way to show what logging involves.

Craig used media attention to grow the business. He also showed how important logging is in the industry.

Craig Rygaard Net Worth

Craig Rygaard’s net worth draws a lot of attention due to his long career in logging and TV. He has amassed a $3 million net worth. This is thanks to his hard work in logging and smart financial choices.

Net Worth of Craig Rygaard

Current Net Worth

Craig Rygaard’s $3 million net worth comes from his dedication to Rygaard Logging. This number shows his devotion to his work and skill in managing logging’s challenges. His impact and skill in the industry are unmatched.

Sources of Income

Craig Rygaard’s wealth stems from Rygaard Logging and his TV fame. Logging, a tough job, and his role on “Ax Men” have both added to his wealth. These two sources reveal the strength of Craig Rygaard’s earnings, showing how work and TV have benefited him.

The Rygaard Family Legacy

The Rygaard family has deeply impacted the logging world. Their hard work and dedication span generations. This family’s journey shows both their success and struggles in the industry.

In Port Angeles, the Rygaards built a notable logging family empire. They became well-known through the “Ax Men” reality TV show. This brought their story and challenges to many people.

The loss of Gabe Rygaard was a hard hit for the family. Yet, they showed great strength in continuing their legacy. Their resilience kept the logging family empire strong and respected.

Craig Rygaard’s stepping back marked a new leadership phase. Through it all, the Rygaard’s dedication shone. Their legacy is about more than logging. It’s a story of family, strength, and honoring their name in the logging world.

Business Ventures Beyond Logging

Craig Rygaard’s career in logging is the core of his success. But, this smart logging entrepreneur looked beyond the timber world. Craig ventured into different business areas, aiming for a solid and safe financial future.

Craig Rygaard ventures

The details of Craig’s new projects are not well-known. But one can guess he’s entered various fields. From real estate to tech, he picks sectors that grow his wealth and protect his legacy.

Craig Rygaard, with his savvy in logging, knows how to succeed in other businesses too. His ventures are as strong and inventive as his work in logging. By branching out, Craig shows his ability to adapt and plan ahead. These traits mark his long and triumphant journey.

Controversies and Challenges Faced

Craig Rygaard has faced ups and downs in the logging world. His bold leadership on “Ax Men” made him a standout. Yet, it also brought strong opinions from viewers.

Craig Rygaard controversies

Public Perception

The public image of Rygaard changed a lot due to reality TV. His quick temper and hard work ethic caused drama on the show. This drama highlighted the Craig Rygaard controversies.

He tackled the logging industry’s tough challenges head-on. Issues like environment, worker safety, and new rules were constant obstacles.

Despite the controversies, Craig’s toughness helped his company stay on track. His journey shows how hard it is to keep a good reputation and run a business in this field.


Looking back at Craig Rygaard’s work, I am filled with deep respect. His wealth is more than just money. It shows us his unstoppable drive and how much he put into his work. Rygaard Logging is a symbol of Craig’s incredible effect on the logging world.

Rygaard Logging is now facing new times under Craig’s son, Gabe. The company keeps evolving, staying true to its core values. This shift means not just a new boss, but a story that honors Craig’s memory.

The story of the Rygaard family, shaped by Craig, is a powerful example for others. It tells of getting through tough times and never giving up, capturing the heart of the American Dream. This heritage will surely motivate many, for a long time to come.

