Larry Holmes Net Worth: Boxing Legend’s Wealth

Celebrity Net Worth News
4 min readJun 4, 2024


Larry Holmes Net Worth: Boxing Legend's Wealth

Imagine a childhood in a home where every dollar mattered. This was life for Larry Holmes, a boxing great. Known as “The Easton Assassin,” he rose above tough odds. He didn’t just become a boxing icon; he also became a savvy businessman. From his tough start in Easton, Pennsylvania, Larry Holmes grew an $18 million net worth. His success came from his boxing talent and smart choices in real estate, restaurants, and media.

Key Takeaways

- Larry Holmes, born November 3, 1949, overcame early financial struggles to become a boxing legend and successful entrepreneur.

- His estimated net worth stands at $18 million as of 2023, showcasing his financial acumen and strategic investments.

- Holmes is famously known as “The Easton Assassin” and has achieved notable victories, including defeating Muhammad Ali.

- His wealth comes from a mix of career earnings in boxing and diverse business ventures in real estate, hospitality, and media.

- Holmes’s story is a testament to how dedication and strategic planning can lead to substantial financial success.

Early Life and Career Beginnings

Larry Holmes was born in Easton, Pennsylvania. He was the fourth of twelve children. His family often struggled to make ends meet.

His dad worked hard as a gardener in Connecticut. But, the money was still tight.

Childhood and Family Struggles

Holmes faced many challenges growing up. Yet, he showed strong will early on. To help his family, he left school in seventh grade.

This decision showcased his incredible work ethic. It foreshadowed his future success.

Introduction to Boxing

At 18, Holmes fell in love with boxing. He trained hard in this new passion. His amateur career saw him winning 19 out of 22 matches.

This success laid a solid foundation for his professional boxing career.

First Professional Fights

Holmes started his pro career by defeating Rodell Dupree. This victory was just the beginning. During this time, he sparred with legends like Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier.

This experience sharpened his skills and raised his profile.

Despite early financial trouble, Holmes began earning more from fights. These earnings eventually added up to a significant fortune. Additionally, sparring provided a steady income. This allowed him to dedicate himself to training and advancing his career.

Larry Holmes Net Worth: Boxing Legend’s Wealth

Larry Holmes’s net worth comes from his boxing career and smart investments. He earned a lot, with an $8 million prize from his fight against Muhammad Ali. He also made money from exhibition matches and comebacks.

Larry Holmes assets

But his wealth really grew from his work outside the ring. Holmes put money into businesses and real estate, like a $5 million office complex and an $8 million hotel. These moves made his net worth hit $18 million by 2023.

Larry Holmes also increased his income through various business projects. His smart investments built a strong financial base. This shows how his sports career and business smarts created his great financial story.

Major Fights and Earnings

Larry Holmes’s career had some big fights and huge earnings. These matches played a big part in his life and money.

Fight Against Muhammad Ali

In 1980, Larry Holmes faced Muhammad Ali in a huge bout. This fight boosted his legacy and wallet. Holmes made a cool $8 million, showing his skill and fame in boxing.

Battle with Mike Tyson

In 1988, Holmes fought Mike Tyson in another key match. Despite Tyson’s strength, Holmes earned $2.8 million. This proves Larry Holmes could still draw big money in high-profile fights.

Other Key Matches and Payouts

Holmes had many other fights with big payouts. One fight with Evander Holyfield in 1992 got him $7 million. Besides big fights, Holmes made smart money moves too. He kept $400,000 from a postponed fight against George Foreman. These earnings show Holmes’s financial success from his boxing career.

Business Ventures and Investments

Larry Holmes is not just a success in boxing. He has also done well in business, boosting his net worth. He has put money into real estate, dining, hospitality, and TV.

Larry Holmes business investments

Real Estate Investments

Larry Holmes real estate moves show smart decisions. He bought a fancy house in Easton, PA, and office buildings. These actions helped make his financial status strong.

Restaurant and Hospitality Projects

Holmes moved beyond just buildings. With a $2 million dive into a big restaurant, he got creative. Owning a nightclub and gaming machines also shows his wide range of interests.

Television and Media Involvements

Holmes also got into media. Being a co-host on “What the Heck Were They Thinking?” shows his smart moves. This TV role increases his earnings and keeps him in the spotlight.

These ventures show Holmes’s smart steps past his boxing days. Larry Holmes business investments have truly broadened his financial reach.


Larry Holmes has left a big mark in both the boxing world and business. His boxing career is filled with major wins, holding top titles. He didn’t stop there; Holmes succeeded greatly in business too.

His business ventures span real estate, hospitality, and media. Holmes is a smart investor and a strategic thinker. His work has created jobs and helped his community, making him more than a great athlete.

Looking at Holmes’s life, it’s clear his success comes from hard work and smart choices. His story is very inspiring. He shows us how to win in sports and business. Larry Holmes is truly celebrated for his achievements inside and outside the ring.

