Mack C. Chase Net Worth: Oil Tycoon’s Fortune

Celebrity Net Worth News
5 min readJun 11, 2024


Mack C. Chase Net Worth: Oil Tycoon's Fortune

On a hot summer day in the Permian Basin, I discovered the remarkable story of Mack C. Chase. Standing by a huge oil field, I watched the rigs while a worker shared tales of Chase’s journey. He started from the bottom and became New Mexico’s wealthiest man. Chase’s fortune was built not just on oil but also on his fierce drive and smart choices. Through Marbob Energy and Mack Energy Corp, he made a lasting impact on the oil and gas industry.

Key Takeaways

- Mack C. Chase’s wealth amassed to approximately $700 million, making him the richest person in New Mexico.

- Chase’s earnings and fortune stemmed from his influential work in the oil and natural gas business in the Permian Basin.

- Despite his immense wealth, Chase remained actively involved in managing his assets and investments until his passing.

- Chase’s income was diversified, with notable ventures including Marbob Energy, Mack Energy Corp, Chase Farms, and Deerhorn Aviation.

- His business endeavors significantly impacted the energy sector and established him as a pioneering oil tycoon.

Early Life and Background

Mack C. Chase’s journey started in a small town in Texas. He was the fourth of eight kids in the Chase family. Growing up, Mack learned the value of hard work and strong family bonds.

Birth and Family

The Chase family taught Mack the importance of hard work and determination early on. This foundation helped him build a great Mack C. Chase fortune. Working in oil fields with his dad and brother George gave him key skills for his future.

Early Work in the Oil Industry

Mack started his Mack C. Chase early career at just 14, working on oil rigs. This job showed his strength and would later define him as an American self-made businessman. After high school, he served in the US Army and then learned more about the oil business. These experiences helped lay the groundwork for his wealth and business achievements.

The Rise in the Oil Industry

In 1968, Mack C. Chase began his journey in the oil industry. He was full of entrepreneurial spirit, paving the way for many successful businesses. Chase was committed to innovation and leadership, growing his businesses through smart strategies.

Marbob Energy

Founding of Marbob Energy

The founding of Marbob Energy in 1979 was a key moment for Chase. Working with John R. Gray, he offered pumping services essential for the oil sector’s growth. This venture showed Chase’s ability to find and use great opportunities.

Expansion into Drilling

After his partnership with Gray ended in 1991, Chase expanded into drilling. This new phase showed another side of his business growth. Despite challenges, he remained focused and introduced Mack Energy Corp.

Chase’s move into drilling displayed his skill in adapting to the oil industry’s changes. It proved his forward-thinking in a shifting market.

Mack C. Chase Net Worth: Impact of Mack Energy

Mack C. Chase’s wealth grew because of Mack Energy. His fortune increased with smart choices and deals. Especially, the 2006 sale to Concho Resources was crucial for his net worth.

Key Financial Milestones

Mack C. Chase’s journey to riches included key moments. Starting Mack Energy and making it profitable were important steps.

His wise choices show how he became a famous oil tycoon.

Major Sales and Transactions

The 2006 sale to Concho Resources was a major event for Chase. It boosted his wealth and showed his smart planning.

Such deals proved his influence in the oil world. Mack Energy’s success has greatly impacted American oil business.

Investments and Other Business Ventures

Mack C. Chase didn’t just shine in the oil business. He knew how to branch out. He put his money into different fields that were unique but still made a big impact. Imagine having the insight to invest in Chase Farms, a big name in the pecan world. This farm is one of the top pecan growers in the country. It shows Chase’s deep dive into agriculture and how well it paid off.

But Chase didn’t stop with farming. Take Deerhorn Aviation, for example. It’s an aircraft dealer and charter company in Texas. The aircraft world is tough and complicated. Yet, Chase jumped in with the same focus and strategy he used in oil. With Deerhorn Aviation, he proved he could conquer more than one industry. He showed how versatile and smart he was in business.

diverse investments

Chase’s jump into both pecans and planes showed his dynamic approach to business. He was great at seeing and grabbing new chances in different areas. This ability led to his success in oil, agriculture, and aviation. Truly, he left a mark as a business visionary who knew no bounds.

Philanthropy and Community Involvement

Mack C. Chase’s life was about more than oil and his business. He also deeply cared about his community and helping others. He started the Chase Foundation to help young people in Artesia, New Mexico. The foundation gives scholarships, helping many students achieve their dreams.

The Chase Foundation

The Chase Foundation is a key part of Mack’s giving. It was made to help his local area, especially in education. It gives scholarships to Artesia students, helping them go to college. This shows Mack’s strong belief in education for improving lives and society.

Scholarship Programs

Scholarship programs are at the heart of the Chase Foundation. They give money to help students with big dreams but little means. These scholarships are more than just money. They represent hope for Artesia’s future. Through scholarships, Mack C. Chase shows his big commitment to making a difference in his community.

