CelesChain Project Progress 2019.03.17

5 min readApr 28, 2019


Welcome to read the 34th Weekly Publication of CelesChain Project Progress(11/03–17/03). CelesChain as the first DPoW financial organized public chain uses the consensus mechanism 3.0. This public chain creates a chance for the financial institutions to innovate their financial applications on the chain.

Technological Progress

【Dochat】Dapp Development Progress


Environment switching function added.


Synchronization and test of APP with H5.


Design and optimization of voting function (voting permission added).


Development progress of BTC functional part.

Server background processing of ETH data and leaderboard provided.

Completion progress: 100% (completed).

Linkage analysis of front-end and server and BTC address authentication.

Completion progress: 100% (completed).

Synchronize all BTC ongoing transactions.

Completion progress: 50%


Development of DoChat’s Support for BOS

MainNet construction and synchronization of all data completed.

Completion progress: 100% (completed).

BOS test environment construction and prepare for test.

Completion progress: 60%

Front-end and server analysis and BOS address authentication processing.

Completion progress: 60%


GXC Support

Local node construction and carry out data capture.

Completion progress: 20%

CelesOS MainNet Technological Progress


CelesOS document test under ubuntu 18 environment.

Completion progress: 100% (completed).


Translate developer document “random number” chapter.

Completion progress: 100% (completed)


eintsein test network access to document writing.

Completion progress: 100% (completed)


Verify the OS systems: AWS, MAC, Ubuto, Center OS, Fedora and Mint.

Completion progress: 100% (completed)


Publish CelesOS/CelesOS:v1.0.0 to docker official warehouse.

Completion progress: 100% (completed).


Document data collation in CelesOS documents.

Completion progress: 90%


CelesOS document structure split, including several documents such as getting-start, programs, smart-contracts, api, command, etc.

Completion progress: 90%


Verify documentation: start node, install CDT, create test account, write smart contract, compile, and record on the chain.

❸ Celes MainNet Block Browser


The search function is developed according to the rules established by this week’s production, and the results are displayed by hash, account number, block height, public key and empty result.

Completion progress: 90%

Entering the joint adjustment phase.

【CelesOS】Consortium Blockchain Ecology


CelesOS service submission information is available on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

Evaluation progress

This week Celes Chain added a new overseas evaluation agency: icoindex.

By the time of publication, Celes has been favored by 47 well-known assessment agencies at home and abroad. The American rating agency TrackICO scored full mark 5 points and the ICLINK scored as high as 4.98.

Celes has aroused enthusiastic response from the overseas communities. The institutions evaluated Celes in a multi-dimensional and comprehensive manner according to scientific standards, ranging from projects, teams, technology, white papers, official websites, social media, telegraph groups and liveness, CelesChain information and etc.

About CelesOS

CelesOS is a decentralized blockchain system that provides underlying IT services for a variety of financial applications, aiming to create a “Wall Street” on the blockchain to serve more financial institutions and users. The innovative consensus algorithm can be truly decentralized and can give consideration to efficiency at the same time. In addition, we will also design special scripting languages to support smart contracts and various applications.

We support efficient supervision in all aspects in design. We have a special regulatory compliance compilation layer to achieve maximum local regulatory compliance. The regulatory compliance compilation layer is responsible for compiling smart contracts into semantic legal documents.

CelesOS allows various types of participants, including financial institutions, regulatory compliance agencies and users. CelesOS can not only support large-scale applications, but also provide safe services for these applications. It can attract regulators, financial institutions and end users to use the system by reducing operating costs and increasing regulatory efficiency.

CelesOS team members are all from top universities such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, UC Berkeley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Virginia Tech. Before joining CelesOS, they worked for the National Development Bank, CICC, Tencent and Huawei.

The team is very familiar with and proficient in the financial industry and financial supervision, and forms a gold team combining finance, supervision and blockchain technology.

Celes would like to thank every follower for your support and love for Celes. Welcome to follow us and we will continue to broadcast more informative news about Celes. Let us witness the reform of the blockchain together.

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CelesOS is an innovative public chain driven by financial services/applications and providing access for regulators and policy makers.