How create a new GitHub Repository

2 min readDec 29, 2023


Having problems while creating new GitHub Repo? Here’s the blog you’re looking for. 😉

Open GitHub and click on Repositories tab.

Then you’ll see a page like this..

Click the green color New button.🍀

You’ll see an interface like this.

Fill the relevant details..👨‍💻

Choosing public → your repo will be opened to all the others who use GitHub.👀

Choosing private → your repo will be visible only for you.🙈

You can add a ReadMe file if you wanna describe your repo or attacth any other links into it.

Then click on the green color Create repository button.

And you’re done creating your repo.😉

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See you again with my new blog. Probably it would be another insightful blog about like “How to add a project to your GitHub Repo” 😎




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