About Me, And Some Of My Stories

Grace Mary Power
5 min readFeb 26, 2020


Photo of me (on the right) and a third-year Biology student researching woylies, 1983

Back in the days of big glasses and flares and Holden cars in Australia, I was a Biology student at the W.A. Institute of Technology (now Curtin University) enjoying the outdoors with Munsell Soil Color Charts and surveying plants (flora) and animals (fauna) of the south of Western Australia.

My other interests are creative writing and technical writing, reading, records management, watching and reviewing movies and documentaries, playing and reviewing games, and supporting others.

Medium, which I discovered in November 2018, has been a great outlet for me to write and share a mix of stories or articles, mainly related to self-help or personal development, based on my personal experiences and my knowledge.

If you need someone to hone or write your technical guides or to proof-read your written communications, I may be able to assist you.

My love of writing has resulted in many articles on Medium, including some that have been curated. Here are some stories of mine which you may enjoy or find useful.

Working With Medium

How to set up Medium so readers can subscribe by Email to ALL of your stories!

How to create your own Medium Publication — 3 part series

Ho to find what time a story was published

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Personal Development


Vintage Tandy Chess Game, photo by Celine Lai


Short Stories

Movie, Book, and Game Reviews



Grace Mary Power

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.