You’re worth your Weight in Gold

Grace Mary Power
3 min readDec 29, 2018
picture from Pixabay

How much are you worth?

If I was literally worth my weight in gold, I would be worth over one and a half million dollars!

The saying “You’re worth your weight in gold” means that you are valuable, and if there’s one piece of advice that self-help proponents or guides and others will give you, it will be to see your own worth, and not to de-value yourself. It has only taken me about 55 years to say to myself:

This is a Card that I posted to myself one day when I was feeling sad

Even the most “successful” and happiest of us may one day sometime feel a lack of worth or a lack of confidence or lack of belief in good things. It’s hard to like yourself when your Life has been full of struggle and Life gets you beat.

However, it’s important to keep your head above water, so to speak, by making sure that inner spark or the core essence that you are, is safe and un-touched by external circumstances.

You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean, in a drop.



Grace Mary Power

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.