5 min readOct 7, 2022


As I am writing this article, I am listening to dance monkey by Tones and I, my feel-good, hype song. I have never written an article before but here’s to doing new scary things!

I have been learning a lot about life lately, through TV Shows, probably you did not expect that. The challenge. This is a show that has taught me a lot about pushing myself to the limit. I am inspired by every challenger on the show, to mention a few TJ(the host), CT, Wes, Bananas, Jordan, Aneesa, Nanny, Leroy, Kam, etc. These people probably don’t know how many lives they impact across the world. We are the only ones who put limits on ourselves. Can you imagine what amazing things you can do if you just believe in yourself? Well, the challenge has made me want to see how far I can go. My favorite challenger CT, pushes me to see how far I can push myself. He is a friend you want in your corner. That friend that believes in you, you don’t wanna let him down so you do your best. Crazy how someone can impact your life from continents away. I am learning that it is important to explore yourself. I am learning there is so much this God-given body can do for you. “How will I know who I can become if I don’t give myself the chance to try new things, to push myself beyond my normal boundaries?”

Ted Lasso. Oh, good Ted Lasso. Where do I even begin? Throughout my life, I have not experienced so much kindness from people. I have always been the quiet girl who people would probably not notice is in the room. That girl whose ideas are always unheard, or stolen by you know bad people. Watching Ted Lasso gave me a different perspective on life. I cannot count the number of times I have cried watching this show, I just wish I would meet Jason Sudeikis and thank him for creating Ted Lasso because it has been a blessing to me. If you have watched the show, you know how heartwarming it is. It is filled with so much love, compassion, curiosity, understanding, and embracement. It has taught me a lot about embracing people for who they are. I saw that through Coach Beard and Ted, Roy and Jamie, Rebecca and Keeley, Dr. Sharon and Ted, and The AFC Richmond players. Seeing how these people embraced each other, through their mistakes, their flaws, and the times they spent together, really filled my heart with hope that good people still exist in this world. It was an affirmation that I am yet to meet all the people who are meant to love and embrace me. One thing that has always stuck with me, was the Dart scene. If you’ve watched the show, you know what I am talking about. There is so much good for you to find in this world. Always Be Curious, not Judgmental~ Ted Lasso.

I am recently rewatching Insecure HBO for the second time. Friendships. I honestly think that Issa and Molly’s friendship was the true love story of this show. Something about seeing women being each other ride or die makes my soul happy. These two girls have embraced each other’s messes. They loved each other on the best days as well. Their friendship or as I like to call it sisterhood, has taught me strength. That you can see how beautiful female friendships can be. Just like a flower, they bloom and blossom to become this amazing thing. Insecure has also taught me that things do work out in the end. Everything will always work out as it was supposed to my loves. Issa finally got to be with Lawrence despite their rocky relationship in the beginning. Molly finally got her dream guy and got married despite being told she had high standards. Lawrence got an amazing life with Issa and a child, and so many other beautiful stories in there. In the last episode of season 5, as Issa helps Molly out of her wedding dress at the end of the night, Molly thanks her for being there, ”Thank you for being you, Issa”. She doesn’t “know where life is going to take us, but I just know that as long as you’re around I will be OK.” Life may not always go as we planned or expected, but that ending, will always work out in our favor.

Finally, a TV show I recently watched, Woman King taught me about female friendships too. My favorite Nawi(Thuso), is a girl I admire a lot. Her focus, her loyalty, and of course her humor. She taught me how to always want to help my friends get to the top, and how to be fearless. Nawi went back to a bush of thorns to help her friend get through. Talk about being selfless! The woman king herself, Viola Davis, I have always been a fan of hers since I watched How To Get Away with Murder. She has taught me how to be fearless, and how to stand out in areas people expect you to lay low. She is the epitome of a bold woman who is willing to change the world and, I love her for that. She inspires me and so many other young girls globally. The sisterhood in Woman King is something to be admired. When women come together for the common good, a lot can change because we’ve got the power. We become unshakeable. We become unstoppable.

I am learning how to do the things that scare me. I am learning that everything you want is on the other side of fear. I am learning to let go of things and people that no longer serve me and my purpose. I am learning that by letting go, I am creating more space for people, opportunities and experiences meant to be in my life. I am learning to be open to love. I am learning to grow beyond the limits set for me by others. I am learning to embrace myself and my mistakes. I am allowing myself to be free and to blossom. I am allowing beautiful things to come my way. “When you feel scared to jump, that is exactly when you jump.”

I know one day, I will look back at this post and be glad that I wrote it despite being scared. That I shall always thank God for this.

Show me how good it can get!

