Let The BETA Begin!

ChainCade Team
4 min readDec 26, 2021


Hello again, Retroverse! Hope everyone has had a fun and relaxing holiday, and that everyone is looking forward to the new year! We missed out on an article here last week amidst the preparation chaos, but hope we can make up for it with some great news… ChainCade Account BETA is Live! Not just that, we’re also beginning BETA testing of The Virtual Hangouts! Before everyone runs off to sign up and play around with their hangout, let’s go over what’s being released, what we’re testing and looking to achieve, and where it’s going to lead.

Before Pressing Start…

The most important thing to both of these BETA testing events, are ensuring the scalability, usefulness, and security of ChainCade Accounts, which is what will be your access point to the entirety of the Retroverse and ChainCade ecosystem. The only thing needed to get started is a web3 wallet set up on the BSC network that will connect with wallet connect. Metamask and Trustwallet are recommended, and “native” connect is supported for both.

During the BETA, with your account you can choose a Display Name, generate a secure Login ID, and see various information that will be pertinent to making your way around the Retroverse, such as Tickets Earned, Energy Point use, XP, Level and Rank. While the Play to Win features are more of a preview, your account will also be used to connect to the online Virtual Hangouts, so setting one up will be required if you want to check it out with everyone. Founders Edition holders will also see their NFTs on their profile if they’re connected with the wallet holding them.

Even Rookies still get a pretty cool badge though

Wait… XP, Ranks and Levels are something we haven’t talked about yet! Besides winning prizes, players will also be working their way up as a being in the Retroverse too! Everyone starts off as a Level 1 Rookie, and works their way up from there. To start off during the BETA, XP (Experience Points, of course) are earned for daily logins. As we move forward, more ways to earn XP will become available. More XP = Higher Levels; Higher Levels = Higher Rank.

We’ll be letting out more information about Ranks and Levels soon, for now, let’s talk about the other half of this BETA test launch, The Virtual Hangouts.

Virtual Hangouts, A Preview with a Movie

A not-too-long time ago, in a metaverse actually not that far away at all, we previewed an early version of our gateway to the Retroverse, Virtual Hangouts, and we’ve been amazed with the response. While the full scale of everything we have planned is nowhere near what you all will currently be able to play around with, we’re happy to begin testing and getting feedback on what we hope to be a fun and vital piece to the full ChainCade ecosystem and experience. NFT Galleries, an in-verse version of Founder’s Edition arcade cabinets, and a very early version of the Theater (no YouTube… yet…) are ready to play around in.

Speaking of the Theater, while more of the hangout is being developed, we would like to host a ChainCade Movie Night, to get together with the community and just hang out for a while and “Mystery Science Theater” our way through some classic Sci-Fi together, virtually. Stay tuned to Discord and the Telegram for more info about that. Next, let’s go through how to get started and dip your toes into the Retroverse.

Getting Started: Now Press Start

First, head on over to https://account.chaincade.com on your wallet-connected browser or have your device with your wallet ready for Wallet Connect.

Click your appropriate wallet and connect.


Yep! That’s all you need to get started! From here, you can go to the Settings gear to set a password and Display name, or click the profile icon to see your Stats and Founder’s NFTs if you have one.

To check out the Virtual Hangout, head to https://play.chaincade.com/retroverse

If you didn’t make your account (you should!), you can check out a local, “offline” version of the hangout by clicking “Guest”, and choosing a Local instance.

To join an online hangout, you’ll have to login with your ChainCade account, by clicking “Login”, entering your Login ID and Password, and then you can join a random online room, or host your own if you have a Founder’s NFT! Founder’s can give a room code to friends so they can join directly.

Have fun! Explore! If you break anything, Don’t Worry! Just let us know! So next, let’s talk about how you all can best help us and everyone else make this a successful and productive BETA test!

There’s no sense crying over every mistake, You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

The most important part of this BETA test will be feedback from Players like You. Discord is the best place to have your voice heard, where we have #suggestions , #bug-reports-and-complaints, and #questions channels to keep the discussion organized and productive. We will also be announcing a date for Movie Night and other in-verse events through our social channels, so don’t forget to join the community and help drive the future of the Retroverse, and bring the power of the blockchain to the players and creators!



ChainCade Team

The arcade of the future is here, on the Blockchain. Enter the Retroverse and Join us @ Chaincade.com