Alpha Team Assemble!
2 min readDec 7, 2021

Introducing and assembling: Alpha Team!

As previous updates showed, we’re making lots of progress on the development of the game. The digital collectible card game is already well-functioning. As far as requirements go, all that remains is adding some data-tracking options, leaderboards and a few UI-features. When this is done, we are ready to release an Alpha version! We will use this testing stage to collect lots of data and to balance the game overall. For this, we are assembling Alpha Team: a team of motivated gamers that wish to help us improve the game.

Contributions are praised and will therefore be rewarded. Playtime and constructive bugreports will be the determining factors for this. Tier System will also affect your reward. The specifics have yet to be shared. If you don’t know what Tier System is, check it out here:

There will be some minor requirements to participate. First of all, some personal data has to be shared; your name, e-mail address and BSC wallet address. Secondly, you need to be available to play at least a few games per week. And last but not least, participants are required to provide constructive feedback as the game is not finished. Especially balancing the game will take patience and perseverance.

If you think you meet the requirements described, ChainWars Alpha Team would be more than delighted to have you on board! Sign up on our whitelist here:
We will accept a maximum of 300 participants initially, but as we keep track of user activity additional spots will be available over time. People that might miss out at first will be notified and eligible for participation as this occurs.



ChainWars is a space-themed, refreshing and ambitious GameFi project, driven by innovation and community!