3 min readJun 24, 2019


CHAINEUM builds your future: CHAINEUM Segment DAX (Digital Assets Exchange).

The lack of legal regulation in most of the world’s region allowing the issuance and trading of security tokens or digital assets is the main challenge that restrains global adoption of these assets. Furthermore, as long as tokenized shares will only be available to qualified investors and not for individuals (retail), then its perspectives of global adoption will be limited.

In fact, the main benefit of these assets is in the ease with which they can be issued and traded. It gives them increased liquidity in comparison with traditional company shares for example. These assets are the real product of the digital age: faster, more adaptable and more user-friendly. The main risks for these assets come from the lack of legal regimentation globally. Fortunately, CHAINEUM works on the legal basis of a State member of the EU, in this case, France (but also Switzerland), which allows the issuance and trade of these assets in a DLT (distributed ledger technology). CHAINEUM, a pioneer since 2017 for utility tokens operations and 2019 on security tokens extends its scope towards the trading of these tokens.

Almost all assets classes can be tokenized. When we are talking about tokenized assets, nine people out of ten think of company shares so it’s natural that these shares are the first to be tokenized. CHAINEUM, through its blockchain technology SEGMENT, already offers tokenization and peer-to-peer trading of these assets with Chaineum Segment DAI (Digital Assets Issuance) and will launch in Q4 2019 a platform in order for companies to access to the exchange and listing of these assets: It is the CHAINEUM Segment DAX (Digital Assets Exchange) based on SEGMENT technology. Possibilities are unlimited and companies will be able to create, issue, list and trade the assets for obligations, derivative products, precious metals, real estate, art pieces, etc…

CHAINEUM will create a law-compliant infrastructure therefore, revolutionary, allowing the issuance and the trading of these tokenized assets. CHAINEUM Segment DAX infrastructure will consist of a tokenized asset offerings platform, trading of these assets and a payment system (FIAT currencies and crypto).

CHAINEUM Segment DAX platform is built in order to let individual investors to easily acquire and store their tokenized labelled securities in tokens in accordance with the EU State members regulation. This is an innovative development as most of the tokenized securities platforms on the market work only with qualified investors.

CHAINEUM Segment DAX will bring immediate liquidity to all assets tokenized and issued by any company or organization listed on CHAINEUM Segment DAX. The exchange will be subject to regulatory oversight.

Tokenized securities or assets, during the next five years, will give back access to the ownership of these assets classes, more accessible to small investors. Traditional venture capital companies will not disappear, but tokenized assets will become an essential way to mobilize capitals for the most promising startups and companies that wish to raise funds via a capital increase or an obligation issuance.

Discover Chaineum Market Plate for Assets

Laurent Leloup
Fondateur Finyear & Chaineum
Auteur de “Blockchain, la révolution de la confiance”




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